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New Consultant

You can earn prizes by completing these training steps. Fill out the forms once you've completed each group of activities. These steps are a suggested order of education, but you may want to skip a step to get to what you need at the moment or you may be working on more than one Step at a time. Just remember to go back and catch up, so you are well-educated.
Step 1: Introduction to Your New Business
Step 1--Inventory
Step 2--Starter Kit
Step 3--Profile
Step 4--Intouch video
Submit Form for your prize

Step 2: Communication with Your Director and with Your Customers
Submit Form for your prize

Step 3: Intouch Virtual College
Submit Form for your prize

Step 4: Packing for a Party
Submit Form for your prize

Step 5: Booking
Submit Form for your prize

Step 6: MK Money
11--MK Visa*
Submit Form for your prize

Step 7: Hostess Coaching
Decide on your program
Put together 3 or more Hostess Packets
Submit Form for your prize

New Consultant Education
Welcome to Donna's Dynasty!  You are about to embark on the career of a lifetime! With the proper training and a positive attitude, the sky is the limit! You can do it!  Just take it a step at a time. With this website, along with Mary Kay Intouch and the materials in your Starter Kit, you have the keys to your personal training. Your recruiter and your director are as close as your phone via text, call, email, or Voxer. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.  There is never a silly question!

Sales Meetings, workshops, Seminar and Career Conference are also vital to your success. If you want to be good, you'll attend everything you possibly can!

Below are several "steps" to help you become familiar with your Mary Kay business. Even though they seem to be in an order, they are not! They have just been added randomly, so your best deal is to go to the left panel and follow that order.

In the left hand panel, you'll see New Consultant Prizes you can earn by going through these Steps. When you've gone through the training of each step, and completed a required activity, then you can submit the form and earn your prize. This is your business and you choose how you want to run it, so if, for instance, you do not want to apply for the MK Visa card, no problem, or for some reason you do not choose to have a MK website, it's ok. My job is to educate you so that you know what is available to you. As long as you read the information for that step and understand it, you are not required to do it in order to fill out the form for the prize. There are certain steps, however that do require you to complete the activities in order to receive the prize. Those requirements that are optional, as long as you've learned about them, will be designated with an * in the left panel. Because the Steps are not in order, I've made links, which will take you directly to the Step you need to do for that group of activities.

Note: When watching a video, you can change it to full screen by clicking on the little "square box" in the lower right corner of the video. To go back to the web page and get out of full screen, click the ESC button on your keyboard. It's much easier to see the video if you make it full screen.

Step 1--Inventory Options Video by my friend Michelle

Watch this video to learn about your options and bonuses.

New Consultant Options--Print this to help you make a decision. Then let your Director know your decision. There are other options besides the ones listed on this form. Inventory is not required, but it sure makes your business run smoother.
Step 2--Your Starter Kit!

Learn about everything in your Starter Kit and what to do with it!

Watch this video either before your Kit arrives or watch it as you go through your Kit.

I'm so glad you're a new member of Donna's Dynasty!! If I am your Sales Director, please click on the New Consultant Profile link and fill out so I can get to know you better.

If you are a visitor to our Dynasty Website, please forward the same information to your own director.  I know she'll be interested to have this information.  If you are a visitor and I am not your director, do not click the submit button, or the info will come to me. Just re-type the info into an email to your director.
Step 4: Intro to Intouch and Donna's Dynasty

Intouch is your behind-the-scenes free website which gives you access to all things Mary Kay.  It runs your entire business including ordering, customers and education.  Mary Kay is one of the MOST tech savvy companies in the world, so take advantage of our incredible Website and Apps!  Watch the video to learn how to navigate around these important web sites.

5: Be a Pearl Girl

Learn what it means to be a Pearl Girl and how to achieve it.

6: Joel Osteen--The Power of I Am

This is such an uplifting video with powerful truths you can apply to your business and life. I encourage you to watch.

7: Make a contact list

Make a contact list of everyone you know who has skin!
Friends, neighbors
People you know from church or other organizations

Make your list with names and phone numbers, so you can call them for appointments. By keeping the list with you at all times, you can make calls during any quick snatch of time--on your break at work. Over your lunch hour. While waiting for the water to boil! Waiting to pick up your child.
8:  Select your Perfect Start weeks.

Take a look at your calendar and choose 14 consecutive days for your Perfect Start. These are the two weeks that you'll do your first five parties.

Use a Weekly Plan Sheet to figure out when you have available for these parties. Mark off 8 time slots for your first parties. You'll want to book at least 8 parties, because at least 3 will probably postpone. That way you'll end up with your 5 that you want.

It can be three on one day, two on another and three on another.  However it works out for you.  To give you an idea, I liked to personally hold 3 appointments on Saturday  (1pm, 3pm, 5pm) and one on Thursday at 6:30.  The rest of the time, I was a Mommy.
9:  Book 8 Parties! (to hold 5)

Once you have your time slots, use this script or one similar and begin calling.

If you have called AND talked to three people without a booking, stop and call me at 785-656-1999 so I can help you figure out what change might help get yeses.

Once you have booked your appointments, email me your dates, so I can be your biggest cheerleader during your PS.

Your prize for booking your first 8 parties is the Party Book Instructor's Guide, plus one customer Party Book. Or, if you already received your Instructor's Guide for placing a $600 Wholesale or higher order, you'll receive two customer Party Books.

You may order more Party Books from me for $10 each plus shipping.

10: Open a Mary Kay Checking Account

Find a bank that offers free checking and open a separate checking account just for your Mary Kay money. Be sure to get a debit card with it.

All of your Mary Kay money (every penny) is deposited into this account. From this account you'll manage your money. Watch the video from Step 18 to learn how to manage it.

To complete Step 6 and receive your prize, you must watch the Managing Your Money video. However, it may not be as interesting to you if you do not have money to manage. So, if you want to postone completing Step 6 until you've sold something, that's ok. Just remember to come back and complete Step 6 once you have MK money to manage! It's very important to do it right to stay in business!
11: Consider Applying for the MK Visa

You want to have a separate checking account, but you also may want to have a separate credit card. Do not co-mingle your business money with your family and personal money.

Mary Kay has partnered with Chase Visa. There are many perks for having this card. I love the 3% cash back for all my Mary Kay purchases.

To learn about the MK Visa card, go to Intouch, click on ordering, and find MK Connections. You'll find the link on MKConnections.

If you plan to use the MK Visa for your initial inventory purchase, then you'll want to read this before ordering, so, when approved, you get the number written down immediately.

You do NOT have to apply for an MK Visa in order to complete your training. It is optional, but you must go to Intouch and learn about it in order to receive your prize.

12: The Party Book

The Party Book will guide you through your parties! Basically, it will tell you exactly what to do and how to do it. It works GREAT!! I have been testing it and so far all the parties I've done with the Party Book have averaged over $300 per party. Your results may differ, but with practice, I'm sure you'll have even better results.

First of all, read the information about it at this link:  Party Book.  

If you have a great printer, you can print your own. For my personal unit members, I will print them on my own printer and will provide them for you at my cost of $10 plus shipping (if I mail them to you) and it includes the cover portfolio,

You'll need an Instructor's Guide for yourself and a few Party Books for your guests to use.
13:  Watch the Start Something Beautiful New Consultant Videos on Intouch

There are several videos the company has made just for you! Click here to watch them.To find them again in the future, log in to Intouch, click on to Education in the menus, and then go to New Independent Beauty Consultant.

14:  Complete the Color Confident Course

You'll want to be certified in color by completing the online Color Confident Course and you'll receive this designation by your name on your website. Very prestigious, plus you'll want the knowledge!

Click here to begin taking the course. It can be done in segments, but must be completed within six weeks or you have to start over. Do a segment a day and you'll soon have it completed and have the confidence you need for color!
15:  Set up your personal MK website

I suggest you sign up for your personal Mary Kay website.  Your clients will be able to shop 24/7 with you.  To sign up for your personal website so clients can shop with you:
Click on Business Tools.
Click on Personal Website Manager.
Cost is $30 for the entire first year, which is 1/2 price to new consultants.
Just a couple reorders from your website will more than pay the cost for the entire year!  

To see an example of what it looks like, here is mine: (yours will look just like mine!)

Once you've set up your website, you'll want to let everyone know that you have it. I share it on my business cards, my email signatures, my facebook page, and all my communication to my customers. You want them to know they can shop with you 24/7.

Be sure that you upload a cute picture of you, so that when people search for a consultant, they can see your picture. You don't want to be a flower, which is what they substitute for those with no pictures! When you complete your Color Confident Course, your website will automatically show your designation.
16: Silver Wings--earn a prize when completed

Silver Wings is your virtual college education! In order to see these lessons, you must have Flash on your device. iPhones don't use Flash, so if you have an iPhone or iPad, you probably won't be able to view them.  In that case, please use a computer.

Click here to go to Silver Wings on Intouch. To find it again, login to Intouch

Click on Education Tab.
Click on Silver Wings Scholar.
Click on New Independent Beauty Consultant.
Complete each segment in this module.

Receive a prize once this step is completed. Fill out this form when you've completed each segment in this module.

Advanced Education

Be sure you continue your education by completing all the Silver Wings modules. You're in for a treat from me when you have completed it all.  Please let me know when it is complete.
16: Order business cards

I suggest you order your business card kit.  You can purchase your business card kit by visiting:
Click on the Ordering Tab
Click on MKConnections.
Then click on MKConnections, Learn More, Shop Now
Click on Products, Business Building Kits

I recommend the $39.99 kit that includes business cards, a stamper, product labels and a name tag.
17 - My Customers and PCP

18:  How to Manage Your Mary Kay Money

Here's the link to the form: Manage Your Weekly Mary Kay Money
Please print this form before watching the video. You'll want it to follow along.

Additional Notes:
When you're ready to place your order, you check your forms to make sure you don't spend more on Section 2 than you have in Line D. In fact, it should be less than 1/2 of the money you have in Line D because you'll need money saved for PCP and other expenses.
Once your order is placed, you'll write a check to your credit card to pay it off, knowing that you have all the money you need in your checking account because you don't order more than you have in Line A for WS or Line D for Section 2.
Also in that check include funds from Line C to begin paying off your past MK debt.
If you had more money in WS and Tax lines than you spent on your order, make note of them in the right column so that you can add them in to next week's totals after you've split your funds next week.

PS--Don't ask me what happened to Lines 2 and 3 on the form!!  Ooops!!  A typo!! :(  Oh well!
19: Decide on your Hostess Program

Your hostess program should be cost effective for you, but be so enticing that a girl wants to be your hostess because of "what's in it for her."

Mary Kay always told us to tell our hostesses, "We are business partners. I hope you make more money per hour at the party than I do." Your hostess IS your business partner so she should be liberally rewarded.

This is a hostess flyer that I think works very well for a new consultant.

Party Perks $75 for $35--$75 for $35 is an easy and inexpensive hostess plan. The hostess purchases at least $75 or more of products. Fill out the sales ticket as usual including sales tax, then subtract off $40 from her ticket.  

If she is receiving $100 for $35, then she chooses at least $100 in products and you subtract $65 from her total.

The half price items are not costing you anything, since she will be paying your cost. Just make another ticket for the half price items.

Let's do the math on $75 for $35.  Since the product only costs us 1/2 of the full retail price, half of $75 is $37.50.  That's how much the product costs for the hostes who chooses $75 worth of products.  Since she is paying you $35 for it, that leaves only $2.50 out of your pocket.  What she is getting is $40 in free product.  Now, she must select at least $75 of products before she gets the $40 off.  If she chooses more than $75, that's great, but she will be paying the rest of it at full price.

Another Hostess Credit option: Free Roll-up Bag with Party Perks  The other papers you need for your hostess packet are also found at this link (outside order forms, etc)

Get familiar with hostess credit so that you can help her maximize it. Hostess Credit is often confusing to new consultants. This is an area where you may want to call me to clarify it for you. Don't hesitate to Vox me, call me, text me, email me, or google hangout with me. I want you to understand it!
20: How To: Sign Up for Google Hangouts

Our Unit uses Google Hangouts alot. Because our unit is spread out across the United States, this is a great way for us to meet together on a video call. I record the call and send the link out to everyone, so those who couldn't be on the call can still see it. We also use Hangouts for one-on-one video training. I hope you'll join us for a Tuesday Night Live hangout.

21: Pre-Profile

Pre-profiling means you contact the guests who will be attending your party and you ask them a few questions about their skin to help you plan for your party. I've found that your guests are more apt to attend if they've answered the pre-profile questions.

Now, with text messages, it is easy to pre-profile. Not every woman texts, but most do.

Have your hostess text each of her invited guests with the following message (you text it to her so she can copy and paste it): Please text my MK consultant at  (785) 656-1999 so that she can ask you a couple of quick questions so she knows what to put in your goodie bag for the party.

When she texts you, then copy and paste these questions (I have them saved on my phone so that I can easily copy and paste each time I need them):
1.  Do you consider your skin to be normal, dry, combination, or oily?
2.  What would you like to change about your skin?
3.  Have you ever tried Mary Kay skin care products? If so, when was
     the last time?
4.  Is your skin tone Ivory? Beige? or Bronze?
5.  Would you prefer skin care or color cosmetics in your goodie bag?

Use the Party Checklist to help track their answers and info.

I also have made a 25 second video on my phone as an Introduction to Me. I text this video to them a day or two before the party. I have it saved and use it over and over. It also serves as a reminder.
22: Understanding the Profile Card

a video is on its way.
23: Get Awards and Ribbons!  Weekly Accomplishment Sheet!!

Once a week you will submit your weekly accomplishments for recognition.
You can submit Weekly Accomplishment sheets online.

2. Click on Business Tools.
3. Scroll to Weekly Accomplishment Sheets.
4.  Enter in your sales for the week.
5.  Send them every Sunday

Consultants attending meetings with an adopted director can send weekly accomplishments to me and also to your adopted director.
24: How To: Place a Wholesale Order on Intouch

This video walks you through placing an online order for products.You'll probably be placing an order regularly to replace the products you sell and to build up your inventory.

If this is your very first order, please know that there are bonuses attached if you meet the deadlines. Because of this, most new consultants want my help so they don't miss out on anything they could earn for free. So, please allow me to help you! I want you to get everything you deserve!

25: How To: Place a Customer Delivery Service Order

Mary Kay allows us to have products drop-shipped to our customers! You can use this when you don't have everything she wants in stock or when you're traveling and away from your inventory. This type of order is different than a regular wholesale order as explained in Step 24. You must be a member of ProPay in order to use the Customer Delivery Service.

26: Voxer

I hope you you will consider installing the Voxer app on your smart phone. It's a great and quick way to contact me. It's a cross between voice mail and text. It's a walkie-talkie and it's free.

Voxer gives you instant voice on smartphones that’s live like two-way radios, but is saved so you never miss information. You can also send text, photos, and share your location alongside audio messages.

You can easily and instantly communicate with friends, family or co-workers. Forget about separate phone calls, voicemails, text messages and emails. Voxer is faster, cheaper, and saves you time. Voxer works over any 3G, 4G, or WiFi network in the world.

Once you have installed it, search for Donna Bayes Scott and then send me a vox, so I know you have it.

Voxing is so quick and easy. You can vox me a question, and it is there waiting for me. I can vox you back and if you can't take it right then, it waits for you. Or, we can vox back and forth in real time. You may think it isn't any different than calling and leaving a voice message, but trust me, it is. Just try it! Make sure Voxer app is on your home screen, so it doesn't get lost in your phone apps. It will alert you if you have a message. You can even silence the tone while you're at work.
27: Communication With Your Recruiter and Your Director

Whether you realize it or not, there is no one who will cheer for your success more than us! Your recruiter and your Director WANT you to be wildly successful in this business.

One thing I love about the way Mary Kay Ash designed this business--we can't be successful unless we help others to be successful, too. And that means YOU!

So, communication with us is important! As your Director I'll match my time with your interest and activity. As long as you communicate with me and let me know where you are in your business and what questions you have, or what challenges you are facing, or what great things are happening, I will be there to support you by phone, email, text, voxer, and Google Hangout, if not in person.

I want us to become great friends, so you always feel comfortable calling me about anything pertaining to your business. So, be sure you take advantage of all the ways to communicate with me.  

Your assignment is
To put my phone number in your contact list for calls or text: 785-656-1999
And my email in your address book on your computer and phone:

I hope to hear from you at least 3 or more times per week, even if it is just a quick text.
28: Active Status and Earned Discount Privilege

Your goal in Mary Kay is to always be "active," which means you have placed a minimum $225 WS order at least every three months. With a growing business, you'll probably place that much or more every week or so, and the minute you do place a $225 WS or more, you become Active, 1st month and you're eligible to take advantage of the Earned Discount Privilege.

Click here to learn all about the Earned Discount Privilege and A1, A2, A3, and I1, I2, and I3.

29: Packing for a Party: Part 1--Starter Kit Bag

30: Packing for a Party: Part 2--Demo Roll-up Bag

31: Packing for a Party: Part 3--Extras

32: Packing for a Party: Putting Yours Together

OK, it's time to take what you have learned and put it all together! You may not have the rolling tote that I show, or you may not have a bunch of little zippered bags, but you can compensate. Maybe you'll use a quart-size zip lock bag to put some supplies in until you can order the zippered bags on Section 2. Maybe you have a tote bag you can use to carry your party books. Or maybe you use a carry-on rolling luggage piece. It doesn't really matter what you use. What does matter is that you put your party supplies and your Starter Kit bag together in an organized manner so you know where things are.

Some of the supplies I showed in the video are found here. The Party Book and Instructor's Guide, the Party Tray inserts, the Hostess Packets, the What I Tried Today and Gift of Pampering sheets are all found on this page.

If you are in my unit and you completed earlier steps of education, you received some of these supplies in your prizes when you submitted the form.

33: Your Business Debut

Julie, the Sales Director teaching in this video, is our second-line off-spring Sales Director, so she is part of the Donna's Dynasty family! I agree with everything Julie is teaching. After listening to this, let's talk about your possible Business Debut.

Mary Kay Image

Working With Your Director

First Steps

The Next Step

Tracking Your First Sales

Getting Set Up
Beauty Bash Book--make this right away!  It is a great tool to show to customers and to use at facials.

Stuff You Need to Know
Hostess Credit--$75 for $35
Hostess Coaching Program--Linda Rocha's--make up a few of these notebooks to give to future hostesses
Focus Folder--Keep organized with a focus folder
Building a Team by Recruiting--start from the beginning of your career sharing this career with others. I can't wait to present you with your Senior Consultant enhancer when you have your first team member! You can climb the career path to the fantastic rewards of free cars and big money by making a decision to share this opportunity with other quality women like yourself. Recruiting mulitplies your efforts. You can't do it all yourself, but when you have a team of consultants also doing what you're doing, you have mulitiplied your efforts and the company will reward you generously for sharing with others the great opportunity you have been given. This is how our company has grown to be the #1 best selling brand!
Monthly Contests--including an on-line form to order the prizes that you've won from me.
Tax Information--Your husband will love this! How to reap the tax advantages of having a home-based business.