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PS Booking Scripts

Read and re-read this over and over until it sounds natural to you.  Practice calling your husband or someone in your family and do it with them:  see if you sound natural.  Say it word for word.  Do not change a thing!  Then call your friends and book your Perfect Start!  Resist the temptation to change this or re-invent the wheel!

For Skin Care Classes:

“Hello _____________ this is _______________.  Guess what…….I've started a brand new business!  I am a beauty consultant with Mary Kay Cosmetics.  I'm really excited, and scared to death!  I need a huge favor. During my first two weeks, I have to do 15 practice makeovers on people I don't know!  And I thought of you because I knew you'd laugh with me and not at me.  Would you let me borrow your face and invite a few friends over I don't know?  You see, I'm supposed to be practicing on strangers, and besides, I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of people that I know.  It's just to practice my presentation and technique.  They don't even have to buy a thing.  Quite frankly, I'm so new at this, I wouldn't even know how to write it up!”  (Wait for response)

“ Great, let's pick a date that's good for you.”  (Select a date during Perfect Start) Now we need to have at least three people there, but you can invite up to five besides yourself.  Talk to some people about coming for a free facial and I will call you the Friday before the class to get their names and numbers so I can find out about their skin type.  I'll send you a hostess packet in the mail today so you'll have some brochures in case you run into someone who needs a Mary Kay consultant and can't come.  By the way, just for doing me this favor, you'll get to choose some free Mary Kay for yourself.  I know you will love our products!  One last thing…..these are my training classes and I have to hold them during a designated period of time to get credit.  Promise me that nothing short of death will keep you from holding this for me.  Thank you so much for doing this.  You're such a great friend, I can't wait to get together with you!”