Donna's Dynasty
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Donna Bayes-Scott
Senior Sales Director
Ruby Seminar/Go-Give
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A web site I made of my father's memories growing up during the Dirty Thirties and flying a B-24 bomber in WWII

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On the MOVE in 2017!  Updated: Sept 6, 2020
Faith hears the inaudible, sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and receives the impossible!
Donna's Dynasty
On-Line Since 1998
Quick Links and Newest Items
Updated! Party Book--Flip Chart--updates: Satin Sets, Peel, cars,
New! new communication system I love!
New! Digital Business Card--perfect to text to customers

We're Simply the BEST...Head and Shoulders Above the Rest!

Wow!! After not being able to update this since April 7, 2017, I finally got this web page to update! Woo HOO!
Digital Business Card
The one that won't be thrown away!

I LOVE my Digital Business Card! Yes, this is a blatant plug for my daughter's business. But it is an awesomel product!  Learn more about it at

I text my Digital Business Card (my "app") to my customers as I give them a facial or do customer service. I even use it when I meet someone warm chattering. When they ask for my card or a Look book, I ask if I may text it to them. I now have their phone number for follow-up.  

The text comes to their phone immediately after I send it and I have them open it and I then help them add it to their home screen so they have my hot pink app icon on their phone. Each button is interactive. It even has a customer service video and a recruiting video.  Did I say I love my app??

The question has been asked, "Is this legal?" Yes, we've submitted it to the Legal Department. Because the app is considered a personal website, you may link it to your personal MK website. You'll notice the Look book picture on the app isn't a picture of a real Look book, but it sort of looks like one and links to the current one.  

There is a demo app to try out and play with on the website. My daughter has kept the price down so it is affordable for all actively working consultants.

I have also made regular business cards, using the clean-edge Avery Business card stock, # 8871, to promote my app.  I can drop the card into my reorder sacks or hand it out to someone who wants my app, but doesn't have her phone with her (such as someone I meet who is working). Here is a link to my publisher version of the business card I made.

To make it, I just took a screen shot of my app with my phone (iPhone: press both buttons at the same time--round button and power button and it takes a picture of what's on your screen and stores it in your pictures) and then used that image for the picture on the front of the business card.  (I turn the image on its side so it is filling up the size of the card.) On the back of the card, I give the address to my app along with my contact info.

Again, the question can be asked if this is legal, because MK only wants us to use business cards from MKConnections. My business card, promoting my Digital Business Card, does not use the Mary Kay logo anywhere on it. It's just an advertisement for my Digital Business Card, so no worries.  It can't say MK on it, and it doesn't need to.