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Updated! 10//28

Updated! 03/16
Updated! 08/15

Front Cover

Repair Pages
(Larger pics below.)
Party Book/Flip Chart
by Donna Bayes Scott

Update! 10/28/16 The Party Book has been updated.
Satin Hands and Satin Lips have been updated.
The cars have been updated.
Skinvigorate Brush has the added picture from the back of the box.
Facial Peel has been added to the Supplement Page.
Mascara page: changed to Lash Intensity and updated the Satin Lips

As soon as the company posts the color pages on Intouch, I will switch out the color pages in the back of the book.  They have updated the file on Fed Ex Docs, but I can't find the pdf of it on Intouch.  I've asked for it. If someone finds the new file with the new Lash Intensity Mascara, please send me the link.

Update! 10/28/16 The Instructor's Guide file seems to be corrupted and I am not able to update it at this time.  I would suggest just printing off the pages from the Party Book that you want to insert into your Instructor's Guide.  I'm sorry that I can't open that file at this time.

New! For those of you who want personalization of the Party Book, I have arranged for a VA to make those changes for you. So, if you want your I-Story pics inserted, or you want to change out the recruiting pictures, or you want some text reworded, she can do it for you. Click here for details. But feel free to continue to pull out pages you don't like and insert your own.

An Overview Video--this video will help you understand the concept of the book. You'll note that it talks about some pages that are no longer in the book. There have been many tweaks and revisions since this video was made, but you'll still get the overall concept by watching it. I encourage you to watch the video and then read the rest of the page and check out the current version of the Party Book.

Note: I have updated the recruiting pages in the Party Book and am no longer using the Candy Break game. So please disregard that portion of the video.

The Party Book
I got the idea for this awesome book from NSD Cheryl Fulcher. Her area used something she made and they built their National area in record time. She credits it to them using a book like this at all of their facials and parties and reorder appointments. Since there was no book to copy and print, and with only a list of the types of pages in their book, I created this one for our unit to use. Let's go hold parties!

Why I like this book:
It shows the products we use at a facial pretty much in the order we use them.  
Prices are there,
Product knowledge is there.
Benefits of the products are listed.
Instructions of how to do the facial (for each skin type) are listed there, too.
The closing sheet and all the colors are there.
A diagram of how to apply eye shadow is there.
Unlike the flip charts of old that came in our starter kits, where only you could read the words and be close enough to see the pictures, each guest at a facial or party has their own copy, plus you do, so they are looking at their book and not staring at you, so it is less intimidating and less boring for the customer.  She is looking at her own book, not listening to you drone on and on.
Because the words are there, you know what to say and the pages are in order, so you know what to do.
Customers can flip back and forth through the book and read what they want or just look at pictures if they are visual.
With all the skin care systems in the book, you only need to draw their attention to the one they are using, but they can see that there are others.
Recruiting information is also included so that you can introduce them to the marketing plan right there.

Here's what you need:
Several presentation books.  
Every guest around your facial table, including yourself, has a copy of this book.
Decide how many you want to make--do you think 5 will be enough? You plus 4 party guests? Cheryl has her consultants make 10, so that they have plenty available.
The book has 50 pages, so your presentation folder needs to accomodate that number. Twenty-four pages put in front and back, and then two extra pages, which go front and back in the front cover. Satin Hands goes on the back front cover.  If you can't put a front and back on the cover, then you'll have to either remove Satin Hands page or another sheet so that the rest of your book lays out properly when you get to "Skin Care for every Age and Stage."  That needs to be a two page spread. It's easiest to use the portfolios below, because they will hold two pages (front and back) in the front cover of the portfolio.
I like Avery Flexi-View Presentation Book, black, with 24 pockets, part number 47690.
The front cover of the book holds two pages--a front cover (Start Something Beautiful) and a back page (Satin Hands), which is page #1 of the party book.
I purchased three of my books at an office supply store in Hays--the only choice I had in my small city that had enough pages. But after using this brand, I loved it.  The first three cost me $7.50 each. However, I googled the part number and found a source for around $3.75 with free shipping.
Google the part number and name of the book. You may find it somewhere else online for a really good price. I've also heard that girls have found it at Staples for under $4. Just really check around online and in your local stores. You may be able to get a good price with a group order. But this portfolio is the best I've seen and perfect for the Party Book.

The Files to print
Updated! 08/15 The New Party Book file
Updated! 08/15 Instructor's Guide This file has the sticky note script embedded into the page!
I've written an example of what you can say on each sticky note, but you will want to make the script your own as you get comfortable with it. Just type what you want to say on each page, cut it out, tape it over my words, and insert it into the page protector.
Some of the scripts (the opening and oil-free eye makeup remover) are word for word from videos of NSD Kristin Sharpe's party. Video 1  Video 2

Printing Your Books: You can print these on your home printer, which I do (on 24 lb laser paper) with a good quality office jet printer, or get them printed at either Office Depot or FedEx using Mary Kay's discount codes.  You have my permission for these files to be printed. (Some FedEx employees say that you can't print this file, because it says it is secured, but you can. The security allows printing.)
If you are sending it away to be printed, then you'll FIRST have to save the files to your computer or a flash drive. Then, either take the flash drive in to the store or attach it to an email and send it to your printer. The Party Book is a large file, so you may have to send it by itself on an email. Call your local Fed Ex or Office Depot to find out their email address to send printing files. Then give them the discount code when you pick up your order.
FedEx discount code:0000563592
Office Depot or Office Max discount code:  8011-887-9924
Both companies have on-line printing by going to Intouch/Ordering/MKConnections/Exclusive Discounts. Just upload the file at MKConnections and have it printed and mailed to you.

Putting Your Books Together: When putting your books together, be sure that your layout is such that when you get to the skin care (Repair for instance), the TimeWise Repair sheet is pictured on the left side of your book and the instructions for the Repair are on the other side, so that when your book is open, you can see both pages.  You don't want them back to back. An easy page to make sure that you have it laid out correctly is the two page spread called "Skin Care for Every Age and Stage." The book should open to both pages being shown, one on the left and the other on the right. If that happens, then the rest of the book is laid out correctly.

Numbering Your Pages: Use little tiny labels to number the pages--on the sheet protectors--not the pages. I use the little tiny rectangle ones that you might mark garage sale items.

Extra Pages to print for the Book
"I-Story page" (p 9) --in pictures tell why you joined MK. To pay off bills? (put a picture of your bill or credit card)
You personalize this page for yourself and your "why."
Here is an example: Why I Began My MK Business--I told my story in pictures. If you want to make your own, just create it once, photocopy enough pages for all of your books.
The pdf file allows you to tape on pictures, then photo copy to make additional ones.
This should take you no more than an hour of your time to gather pictures to represent your story. Women are visual and want pictures.
Switch out any favorite pages that you prefer--such as a different Hostess program.
Updated! 05/25/16 Products I Tried Today--this sheet can be used at the end of the facial to mark everything that the customer tried today. It's a list for them to take home. I hand them out to the ladies at the party and then go around the table and tell each one the skin care program she used, then I go around and tell them the color of foundation they each used, then eye colors, etc. They mark them as I go around the table. It reminds them of everything they have on their face.
Updated! Gift of Pampering Referral Sheet--This sheet matches the one in the party book. It can be used as a referral game if you choose.
Listen for A Lip Gloss--I have this printed on card stock, inserted into a page protector, and clipped to the inside back cover.
Fabulous Referral Game--talked about on the Satin Lips page

Goodie Bags (referred to in the Party Book)--it's part of my pre-profiling by text.
I use small cello self-sealing bags
I fill with a piece of candy, a sampler hand cream, and a skin care or color sampler, based on what they asked for in the pre-profiling text
Hostess Packet--I have begun using this hostess program .I give all the papers, putting them in a self-sealing cello bag.  If you don't have a cello bag, just use a large Mary Kay sack to put your hostess packet in. Find a hostess program that you like. There are lots of different ones to choose from. A new consultant may want to use the $75 for $35 Hostess Program shown below.
Right now, I'm using "Party With Me for $200 Free." It's the program that NSD Kristen Sharpe designed and was so successful with. You can order the hostess packets for $2 each at Easy, professional, and already put together. I also purchase the Hostess Bucks from this site to use as a visual for the hostess. You count out how much she already has in hostess credit at the beginning of the party as the guests watch.
Another Hostess Option: Free Roll-up Bag with Party Perks
Display --this page and the next three go together in a large cello bag (9 x 12) or a large MK sack, with a Look book.
Pre-Party Order From--I tape this to the front of a large white envelope, 9 x 12 inches, using double stick tape
Tax & Stuff card -- put inside the white envelope along with sales tickets and a Look book.
$75 for $35
Party Perks $75 for $35--This one might be good for a new consultant to start with, who might not feel comfortable giving away a free roll-up bag for having a party. $75 for $35 is an easy and inexpensive hostess plan. The hostess purchases at least $75 or more of products. Fill out the sales ticket as usual including sales tax, then subtract off $40 from her ticket.  If she is receiving $100 for $35, then she chooses at least $100 in products and you subtract $65 from her total.
Use the same papers above for Hostess Wishlist, Party Details, Pre-Party Order Form, and Tax & Stuff card.

Party Tray Inserts--I made some Party Tray inserts that work for me and the way I demo product. If you want beautiful glossy inserts, go to I bought theirs, including the placemats, which I use. But I needed tray inserts that had the satin lips and the eye cream, for instance, in the same hole for each formula of skin care. So, I made my own. Feel free to use them if you want.  I print these on card stock, front to back so I can flip them over in my tray, depending upon the skin care system the guest is using. You can even laminate them.

Party Supplies Checklist--This is a checklist of things you need to pack for your party with things included that are referred to in the Party Book.
Party Checklist--This is a page that helps you track hostess, date, time, guest list, pre-profiling, etc. It uses the 5 pre-profiling questions found here.

Pictues of the book in use:
To the left is a picture of the first time I used a proto-type of my book. After this facial with these two ladies, (selling $428 to the two of them), I made additions and changes to the first edition, but the book works.

These ladies combed through their books during the entire facial. And then used them at the end of the facial to help them decide what they wanted to buy.

It didn't matter that the table wasn't neat and tidy anymore. When they arrived, the table was cute, but they pushed things aside so they could use their book.

From their comments and questions, I added things to the book, like a diagram of eye application and pictures and prices of all the compacts. On the brushes page, I added brush cleaner and the eye smudger brush and the concealer brush.

Below: A group of Delta Zeta soroity girls all having facials together for Makeover Day 2014. Sharing books, they all had access to pictures and instructions.

Note the two girls studying the eye shadow pages.
Front Cover
Facts and Benefits of TW Repair on left, Order of facial application on the right.

Using the book at a party.