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Pre-profile Using Text
by Donna Bayes

After asking some Gen Y girls how they do it, I have incorporated text messaging to get my pre-profiling accomplished and will have to say that I have had my best response EVER with guests responding to my request for info. Here's how:

My first experience was with a hostess who invited her guests via an Event on Facebook. She added me to the Event, so I posted the following:

Hi Ladies, I'm Donna Bayes Scott, and can't wait to meet you at the party.
I'm preparing goodie bags for each of you. Please text me at (785) 656-1999 so that I can ask you a couple of quick questions to help me to know what to put in your goodie bag.

Before I posted it, I tagged each of the invited ladies, so they would get notification that there was a post they were tagged in. Within minutes I had three texts telling me they were invited to this party. If they didn't tell me, I asked their name and then texted them back with the following. (I wrote it up first on my computer, then emailed it to my phone, and then copied and pasted it, so I wouldn't have to use my thumb to tippy-tap it out.  I then copied and pasted it to every other text that came in. Since then, I have saved this in my Notes App, so I can use it anytime I have to pre-profile someone else by text.)

1.  Do you consider your skin to be normal, dry, combination, or oily?
2.  What would you like to change about your skin?
3.  Have you ever tried Mary Kay skin care products? If so, when was the last time?
4.  Is your skin tone Ivory? Beige? or Bronze?
5.  Would you prefer skin care or color cosmetics in your goodie bag?

I also send them a text that has my contact info.  I saved this info in my Notes App, too, so I can forward it to any person I text and don't have to rewrite it each time.  Here's what I saved:
Donna Bayes Scott
Mary Kay Sr Director
(785) 656-1999 text/cell

When they get this on their phone, it makes the phone number, the email, and the web site all "hot links", so that when they press on them, it either calls me, or takes them directly to email or my website.

I have since heard from eight girls by text for this party! Most of them have NEVER tried Mary Kay before! Plus, I have a triple facial with high school girls (not really a party--no hostess) later this week, so I texted the same questions to them and have heard back from two of three! Yea!!

After I got the pre-profiling info from the girls, I texted them the day before the party to tell them how excited I was to see them at the party.  No text back. :(  So, I texted them the following and got a yes back from all three. (I've saved this in my Notes App, also, to use in the future.

Appointment Reminder for your Mary Kay makeover today at 10:30 AM. Respond Yes to confirm, or call 785-656-1999 to reschedule.

The text conversation below was someone who said she did use Mary Kay.  Below these pictures is another one which showed the comments I made on the Facebook Event page.


PS--On the conversation below, I was just reiterating what the hostess had said in her Facebook Event invitation: "Facials, make-up, lip gloss, wine/mimosas and fabulous ladies...Need I say more?!"