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Personalizing the Party Book
Because so many consultants and directors have asked for personalization of the Party Book, I found a local Virtual Assistant (VA) to personalize it for anyone wanting it changed. I have stated on my web page that if you don't like my pages,  just pull them out and replace them with something you like better. But...good news...if you want personalization to match the original, she will replace my pictures and text with yours. And she can then embed it back into the full file or just send you the individual pages.You might want it embedded again if your entire unit is going to use the same pictures. Then it can be printed once again as one 50 page book.

Her name is Tara and her email is

Email with the changes you want on a specific page. Name the file page number you want changed or a good description of the page, so there is no misunderstanding of which page you are talking about. Attach any pictures you want included for that specific page. In the body of your email, give specific directions for Tara.
If you want multiple pages changed, send a separate email for each page. That will help keep the pictures organized per page.

Your page will be changed and a preview will be sent to you for your appproval. At that time, you will be given a paypal link to pay her.Once your changes have been approved and she's received notice of payment from paypal, she will email back your file. Again, this file will be secured, but available for printing.

$10 per page change, unless it is a major recreation of a page.  If that is the case, an estimate will be sent to you prior to work.
Minimum of $20, even if one page is changed.
$20 to have the changed pages reembedded back into the complete file.