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Donna's "I" Story
I began my career as a Consultant with Mary Kay in October of 1977. I didn't want to be a Consultant; never dreamed I would become a Consultant. But, here I am, 33 years later, a Senior Sales Director and driving my eleventh free car from the Company.

When I became a "stay-at-home" mom, all I wanted to do was be a homemaker and mommy. was tight, we missed my teacher's salary, and I needed to help supplement the family income. I had purchased the products and used them faithfully the month before I moved from Kansas to Denver. Then, I just got out of the habit. I only used my skin care and glamour products when I attended something special--like a wedding or a funeral! I met a new consultant in Denver, Sue Hoy, who called me on a regular basis for reorders. Finally, after two years of no purchases, she said, "You don't use it, do you?"

I had to admit that I didn't use the products I had on hand. So, she suggested that she give me an updated facial, to again learn how to use the products I had previously purchased. We scheduled a time to get together, but I remembered that if I invited friends to join me, I could earn free products, so I asked Sue if I could have a class instead of just a facial. Of course she said yes. Well, I never got around to inviting anyone, so the day before the facial, when Sue called to confirm, I canceled. Sue rescheduled for another time, and I canceled again. Finally, after canceling my class three times (and always because I never got around to inviting anyone), Sue suggested that just the two of us should get together for an updated facial. At our appointment Sue suggested I'd enjoy teaching skin care and glamour for the company on a part-time basis. My reply: "I wouldn't be caught dead doing what you do!" You see, I didn't really wear make-up, nor know what to do with it! And I didn't consider myself "the type." But once I heard the facts, I quickly changed my mind! I decided I could learn how to put on eyeshadow and blusher!

I had asked Sue what the Mary Kay commission was--how much did she make when I bought something. Sue told me that information was confidential, unless I was interested in hearing all the facts. Sue invited me to her Monday morning Sales Meeting where she assured me that her director would explain all the details of the Mary Kay marketing plan to me, including the commissions. I agreed to go (although I wasn't particularly interested..only curious to know her commission). On Sunday evening, she called to confirm that she was picking me up the next morning and I gave her some excuse why I couldn't go. She was empathetic and asked if I could go with her to the Thursday evening Career Coffee instead. I agreed to go. On Thursday, she called to confirm and I made up another excuse not to attend. So, she rescheduled me for the next Monday morning Sales Meeting. Again, I agreed to go. That Sunday evening I told my husband that this really nice lady would be calling to confirm that I was going with her to the Mary Kay Sales Meeting the next morning, and when she called, would he please tell her that I was sick. As expected, Sue called to confirm. My husband told her that I was so sorry not to be able to go, but that I was sick. The very next day I received a Get Well card in the mail! Boy, did I feel like a heel!

I just knew that she would call me again, and this time I was determined to go. As I walked out the door to attend the next Thursday night Career Coffee, my husband said, "Don't you dare sign anything!" I reassured him that I wouldn't! Really, I wasn't about to be caught dead doing something like this! But, like I said earlier, as soon as I heard about Mary Kay's incredible opportunity and saw the beautiful home of her director and the diamonds dripping off her fingers, I was so excited! I did want to do this! I couldn't wait to get home and explain it all to my husband and see if he would agree to allow me to try it.

My husband threw a fit! He didn't even want to listen. And just went to bed. Judie Roman, the director, had told me that I should take the sleep test. If I went home and went right to sleep, without giving Mary Kay a thought, then this was not for me. However, if I went to bed, but couldn't sleep and tossed and turned, thinking, "Should I" or "Should I not," then that was the sign that I should just jump in and go for it. I Of course, I tossed and turned. I passed the sleep test. The next morning when I begged my husband to just hear me out, he told me that there couldn't possibly be a company like that and surely they had sold me a bill of goods (remember, this was back in 1977...long before Mary Kay became a household word.)

Another thing I was told: I had 3 days to make a decision. I was just sure this was my window of opportunity and if I said no, that I would never have another opportunity. I stewed for 3 days. On the last day, I called my mother in Kansas and explained all the details of the marketing plan that had been shared with me. I told her about the avenues of income, the commission schedule, the opportunity for advancement, and the buy-back guarantee. Her comment was, "Donna, I know you need to make some extra money. What have you got to lose? You'll never know unless you try."  I thought, "That's right! I'm going to do this."

Just then, my husband walked into the house. I said, "My mom thinks I should do this." He replied, "I wish your mother would stay out of things!" But he was teasing, because he knew that my parents never interfered in our lives. However, having my mom's vote of confidence softened him enough that he relented and said, "OK, you may try this on five conditions: 1) You can't neglect the baby. 2) You can't neglect the house. 3) You can't neglect me. 4) If it costs money, you have to find your own money. And 5) If you get rich, you have to share it with me."

So, that was the beginning of my career. I was terrible!  I didn't know how to book or sell! One time, early on, I was fumbling my words so badly trying to book, that my husband took pity on me and took me for a ride and suggested a script for me to use. I wanted him to do the calling and I would do the facials, but with time and practice I did learn how to schedule appointments in a professional manner.  Now, when I role-play with a new consultant and she says, "I wish you'd call for me. I could never sound as good as you!" I just remember back to the times I said the same thing to my husband, and just reassure the new consultant that, with practice, she'll be outstanding!

As a new consultant I didn't want to be a "pushy" sales person, so I would suggest that they didn't need to buy as much as they know, spread it out a little over time!  Get a little now, and a little more later!  I couldn't figure out why my sales weren't very high!  I remember one girl in particular wanted the complete collection--a whopping $49 at the time! I told her that she might want to reconsider, because that was a lot of money to spend at one time! She got a little huffy and asked why she couldn't purchase that much at once. I assured her that she could, but she just shouldn't feel like she needed to. When I relayed that conversation to my director, she said, "DONNA!  You have the poverty syndrome!  You think everyone is as broke as you!  Keep your mouth SHUT and just say 'GREAT!' And then write up the ticket!" That was a turning point for me and my sales began to improve.

I have been able to set my own hours, work when I wanted for as long as I wanted. I've been able to maintain an office out of my home and to be here for my family. I have developed business associates throughout the United States. It has afforded me more income and opportunity than my teaching career. Being a Consultant and Sales Director with this company has been so much fun. I truly love my job. My passion is to help those women who want to be stay-at-home mommies to come back home to raise those babies and still have a career they can be proud of, which also meets their financial and emotional needs.

I began this career when it was still virtually unheard of. We had to convince women to just try the product. Once it was on their faces, they loved it. Today, we are the #1 Best Selling Brand of facial skin care and color cosmetics in the United States! We've come a long way, Baby! And I've enjoyed the ride!