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Mary Kay Enthusiasm
by Donna Bayes

Do you know what song is played right before the opening  of each Career Conference, Seminar, and Leadership? It's always the last song, played by an organist, right before the emcee takes the stage. It's the song that lets everyone know that we are ready to begin! Do you know what it is?

It's called Mary Kay Enthusiasm. It is a MK tradition!! It's been around since the beginning. Do you know the words? Do you know the actions? Every consultant needs to know this song. And every consultant needs to STAND and sing it with ENTHUSIASM when it is played. It's part of our MK culture! It's not silly, it is tradition! To not stand and join in when this song begins would be like not standing when the flag passes by you.

It has made me sad over the years to see new consultants come in and not know this song. It's because we don't sing anymore at meetings. Do you know that we used to ALWAYS sing a couple of peppy, silly songs at the beginning of each MK meeting?  Mary Kay taught us to do that!  Then we got too "sophisticated" and too "professional" to continue. But the one place we can still sing our special MK theme song is at these events.

When that music starts at one minute before opening, I hope to see every consultant and director on her feet. And not just clapping to the beat. I hope to see her singing this song while she does the actions!! Those of us who have been with the company for years need to teach this to the new kids on the block. Let's not lose this special tradition. Let's revive it with pride! I'm counting on you!

Mary Kay Enthusiasm  (to the tune of "I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy")

I've got that Mary Kay Enthusiasm up in my head, up in my head, up in my head. (point to head)
I've got that Mary Kay Enthusiasm up in my head, up in my head to stay.

I've got that Mary Kay Enthusiasm down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart. (pat heart)
I've got that Mary Kay Enthusiasm down in my heart, down in my heart to stay.

I've got that Mary Kay Enthusiasm down in my feet, down in my feet, down in my feet. (point to feet)
I've got that Mary Kay Enthusiasm down in my feet, down in my feet to stay.

I've got that Mary Kay Enthusiasm all over me, all over me, all over me. (wiggle your body and your hands move from head to toes)
I've got that Mary Kay Enthusiasm all over me, all over me to stay

(last verse speeds up)
I've got that Mary Kay Enthusiasm up in my head, down in my heart, down in my feet. (point to each area)
I've got that Mary Kay Enthusiasm all over me, all over me to stay! (Shout Hey!)

Here are some other Mary Kay songs we used to sing. To keep this tradition alive, I've always had my consultants sing them at our Fall Retreat.

One of my favorites:
If you’re a Mary Kay consultant, clap your hands.(clap, clap)
If you’re a Mary Kay consultant, clap your hands.
If you’re a Mary Kay consultant, then you’ve got to be resultant,
If you’re a Mary Kay consultant, clap your hands.

If you’re out there booking shows, stomp your feet.(stomp, stomp)
If you’re out there booking shows, stomp your feet
If you’re out there booking shows, then you’re really on your toes…
If you’re out there booking shows, stomp your feet.

If you’re after those recruits, shout hooray (hooray!)
If you’re after those recruits, shout hooray (hooray!)
If you’re after those recruits, then you really are a toots!
If you’re after those recruits, shout hooray (hooray!)

If you want to be a director, do all three (clap, clap, stomp, stomp, hooray!)
If you want to be a director, do all three (clap, clap, stomp, stomp, hooray!)
If you want to be a director, then you’ve got to be a perfector…
If you want to be a director, do all three (clap, clap, stomp, stomp, hooray!)

Another favorite:
I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic!
I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic!
I'm alive, alert, awake - I'm awake, alert, alive,
I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic!

Sing to Father Abraham (this one was first sung on my bus during DIQ week in Dallas back in June, 1981. Soon it was a MK tradition.)
Mary Kay has changed...a lot of lives.
A lot of lives have changed because of Mary Kay.
Mine is one of them, and so is yours,
So let's just thank the Lord. RIGHT ARM. (Swing your right arm up- and begin the second verse. )

MK has changed a lot of lives............
LEFT ARM (now swing both the right and left arms)

Continue through the verses with the following. RIGHT ARM, LEFT ARM, RIGHT FOOT, LEFT FOOT, NOD YOUR HEAD,TURN AROUND------ SIT DOWN!!  (You'll be doing all the actions at the same time)

And another:
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the big commission checks,
As I watch the company growing with the speed of super jets.
Let's put our company to the test- it's known from East to West

(Refrain) Glory Glory Hallelujah! Glory Glory Hallelujah! Glory Glory Hallelujah! JUST WATCH MY INCOME GROW!!!

In the stillness of the morning, as I come home from my show
With my feet and back both aching I will smile because I know
and booked another Show-


Sung to Mickey Mouse Club theme song:
Making money ( clap clap)
Making money (clap clap)
For ever hold our wallets high, high, high
Now's the time to say good all our poverty ...
Why? Because we love it!! (we put hands to mouth and blow kiss)

With Mary Kay You're Up
With Mary Kay you're up, (stand up)
She'll never let you down. (sit down)
It's better to be half way up, (crouch half way up)
Because up is better than down.(stand up and then sit down)

Repeat three times!  Great exercise!! ha!