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New! Extras
Mary Kay Party Procedure
by Donna Bayes Scott

The company updated the Starter Kit and now has a new Beauty Book with an Instructor's Guide.  I created a word-for-word script that can be cut out and taped into the Instructor's Guide to help guide you through the party or facial.   (This is the way I do a facial, doing 1/2 face on several products.)

Tape the first page to the inside front cover, then tape each page to the following pages.  Your last page should be on the inside back cover.  I've given some tips on the page that refer to that page of script, so you may want to just read all of it, including the tips before you cut it all out and start taping.  I prefer to use double stick tape to apply my pages.  Because you get a new Instructor's Guide with each package of Beauty Books, you can always make a new script if you lose this one, or switch to the outline with the next batch, or not use any script--once you learn it, you'll just begin to wing it!

Once you have mastered the script, you might prefer to just use the outline. There are four pages in the Guide to add notes. Just cut out and tape each page into the four blank note pages and you'll have a simple guide to make sure that you cover everything in your skin care class.

There are so many great sizzling sentences we have used over the years, so if you want the full script for this outline, including the positive questions, then you'll want the word for word script, and you can learn the sizzling sentences by practicing with those pages. But, once you get comfortable with it, by using the Instructor's Guide Outline, you will be able to put in your own personality by using only the outline at your party. If you forget something, so what!!

On the new DVD that comes in the Starter Kit, NSD Auri Hatheway recites opening the skin care class (find her video on the menu on the right). It is short, interesting, and effective, so I have incorporated that into the outline. If you do enough facials, using her opening, you'll soon have the script memorized, like she has, so that it just rolls off your tongue.  I've included it in the word for word script.

The script and outline refers to your Hostess Program.  I like to use the Hostess Extravaganza program. I believe it is impressive, yet very cost effective. You'll also want to have the Extras pages ready to use and also use the Party Tray, because that will label everything in your tray according to the procedure in the Instructor's Guide Outline.  You will want a closing sheet such as the Create-A-Roll-up or just use the insert that comes with the Beauty Book.

One thing you'll notice is that I've put a green box with the wording for an individual facial.  If it is a party, then just skip that box and go to the words right below the green box. I've put a green line where you pick up if you are doing just a facial.

New! Party Tray insert goes with the new black face cases. It is the page that goes under the clear disposable tray showing the names of the products in each hole. I've ordered them according to the procedure I use at my facials and parties.

Now, having said this, I want you to know that there is nothing that replaces practice.  Sure, it is nice to have a complete script.  But, the complete script is to help you in the beginning.  You should actually memorize the opening!  Yes, memorize!!  Those words should just flow off your tongue!  I should be able to wake you up in the middle of the night and ask you to recite your skin care class opening and these words should just flow from rote memory!  Your closing needs to be memorized!  But, you memorize them by saying them over and over.  And you might as well be making money while you practice, so get to practicing on faces!! :)  The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll get and soon you'll just be glancing down to see the words in pink, which will jog your memory.

Choose a closing sheet
New! Extras
The Extras page has all the products listed on # 5 of the Customer Profile.  The customer checks all the products they'd be interested in for targeted skin care needs.  This page showcases those items.  I'd hand it out with their choices marked at the end of the class.