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Hostess Extravaganza
by Donna Bayes Scott

Several people I know have recently held home parties with other companies--jewelry, kitchen supplies, etc.  I've asked them why they booked.  It was always because of all the free and half-price products they could receive as a hostess.  So, obviously, that's what hostesses want.  That's why women book parties.  They want to know--what's in it for me?

In Mary Kay, it is so important to bond that customer to yourself.  You do it by giving her a second facial, or a "check-up facial."  If you're like me, until you've met her a couple of times, you can't remember her name, or even her face.  You may see her around town, but can't remember if she is a customer or not, and you don't remember her name.  But, after a second facial, she is planted into your memory.  

If she purchased the wrong products, maybe the wrong foundation shade or eye shadow, she often won't call you to exchange it, so the second facial is vital to making sure all the products she has is exactly what she needs and is working for her. You want her to be happy, because a happy customer will recommend you to her friends. She often can't buy everything she wants at the first facial, and will buy even more at a check-up facial. She locks in the skin care procedure at the second facial, and if she was doing something out of order, or had questions, you can clarify it at the check-up facial.

So, as you can see, a check-up facial is important. You want to talk about it several times throughout the party or facial, so by the time the end comes, she just knows she is going to have a check-up facial within a week or two. And, hopefully, she'll share it with her friends and earn hostess credit.

Free Compact Mini
The Hostess Extravaganza sheet I'm now using has an added component to encourage check-up facials.  I'm offering a Compact Mini to everyone when they hold their check-up facial.  It is worth the wholesale cost to me to reap the benefits of bonding that customer to me, so she knows me and my name and I know her and her name and face.  I want to correct any problems and answer any of her questions at that second facial. So, I'm willing to give her a free compact mini, just for holding that check-up facial, whether it is with just her and me at a single facial, or whether it is with friends. She can fill it with a free item for each guest she shares her facial time with. If she brings one friend, she can fill it with an eye shadow or cheek color. If she brings three friends, she can receive three color items free, etc.

The rest of the squares on the hostess flyer supports the following areas that make for a successful party.  There is not much coming out of your pocket financially, but the hostess will feel like she really was rewarded for inviting friends and being a hostess.

There are four areas you want to support with a hostess program.
Holding the party on the original date, so you minimize postponements.
Getting outside orders before the party.
The number of guests in attendance.
Securing future bookings

This Hostess Program addresses all four areas.  Print off a copy of the hostess flyer and follow along as you go.

Regular Hostess Credit
$100 for $35
The main part of this program is regular hostess credit just for being a hostess.  Three people (you plus two) makes a MK party eligible for hostess credit.  
Two options are offered.  $100 for $35, which costs you $15.  ($100 divided by 50% = $50 WS cost.  She is paying $35 of that, which leaves $15 out of your pocket.)  Minimum requirement forthis credit is a $200 party. (If her party is less, I will offer $75 for $35, which only costs you $2.50 ($75 divided by 50% = $37.50 WS cost. She is paying $35 of that, which leaves $2.50 out of your pocket.) or even $50 for $25 if it is a total bomb-still with a minimum of 3 guests present--hostess plus two.)

10%, 15%, 20%--Mary Kay's Original Hostess Credit Program
If she doesn't want to pay $35(maybe she doesn't have the money and only wants it for free), she may want to choose the 10, 15, 20% which is Mary Kay's original hostess credit.  This is based on all sales paid for at the class (include the hostess's ticket only if she is paying for the entire amount.  If she wants a discount on her order or to use the hostess credit for it, then do not include her ticket in the total sales.).  10% with no bookings, 15% with one booking, or 20% with two bookings.  
She is a happy hostess!!  Others will want to book to be a happy hostess, too.
If the party sales are much more than $350 with two bookings, she may want to choose 20% rather than using the $100 for $35.  You help her decide which gives her the greatest benefit.

The other four boxes are perks for being a hostess, but there are requirements.
Free Compact Mini if it is her check-up facial or $120 in glamour products at 1/2 price with three guests besides the hostess when it is held on the original date. If you met her at a party and she purchases skin care, then being a hostess is a great way to complete her look, because she can get her color at 1/2 price.
If she has five guests, she can also get the brush set at 1/2 price.
She can get one additional product at 1/2 price for each booking.  Probably, she'll choose more expensive items like Microdermabrasion or Serum C.  Yea!!  You want her on these products!  Great reorders!  She deserves it because she was a hostess!
Additional1/2 price products for getting outside orders!  From people who were not at your party.  You can follow-up with these.
This program offers a lot of opportunities for 1/2 price products.  No, you won't make any money on these products at this time, but your customer will be on a lot more products than she may have been able to afford at full price.  This allows wonderful opportunities for reorders in the future.  The more MK products she is on, the more loyal to your business she will be.

Mary Kay used to say to her hostesses when she entered their home for the party, "We are business partners. I hope you make more per hour today than I do."

You'll begin receiving 50% profit on all the reorders when you do your good customer service of calling 2 + 2 + 2 (2 days, 2 weeks, and 2 months).