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Earned Discount Privilege
The Earned Discount Privilege is a perk for all Active Mary Kay Consultants, so you want always be sure you are "active." You'll hear us talking about A1, A2, and A3 status.  Those are "active" statuses.
A1--You are considered A1 during any month that you place an $225 wholesale order or more.
A2--You are considered A2 during the month following the month you place a $225 wholesale order or more.
A3--You are considered A3 during the second month following the month you place a $225 wholesale order or more.
Example: In June, you place a $225 WS order. You are A1. In July you are A2 (if you don't place another $225 WS order). And in August you are A3 if you don't place another $225 WS order.

If you don't place another $225 WS order (or more) during your A2 or A3 months then you are considered Inactive or I1, I2, or I3.
I1--The 4th month since placing a $225 WS order.
I2--The 5th month since placing a $225 WS order.
I3--The 6th month since placing a $225 WS order.
Example: You ordered $225 WS in June. If you haven't placed another $225 WS order, then in September you are I1, in October you are I2 and in November, you are I3.

What are the advantages of The Earned Discount Privilege by remaining active (A1, A2, or A3)
The biggest advantage is the privilege of placing less than $225 WS orders when you need products you don't have in stock. For instance, a customer calls and needs several products that you don't have, but you aren't ready to place another $225 WS order. You can order just the things she needs and still get 50% discount.

Dear First Name,
    Your goal in Mary Kay is to always be active, which means you have placed a minimum $200 WS order at least every three months.
    If you ever wonder if you're active or not, please text or call me, so I can look it up.  If the info on the back of this card is confusing to you, please call me, so I can explain it, because it is important info.
    Not only are you able to order small orders at 50% discount when you're active, but another advantage of being A1, A2, or A3, is that you can have the company mail an order to your customer for only $5.00 shipping. If you are lacking something that you need to fill the order, you might want the company to mail the entire order directly to your customer.  It's called the Customer Delivery Service and I use it all the time!  Saves time, money, and gas. But you have to be use this service.                        Donna

    Any month you place a $200 Wholesale order (or more), you are considered Active-First Month, or A1. The rest of that month, plus the following two months, you may order any size order and still receive the 50% discount. The $200 Wholesale order triggers your Earned Discount Privilege. With the Earned Discount Privilege,  you'll receive 50% discount even when ordering just a few items.
    The month you order $200 WS you are A1; the following two months, you are A2 and A3. If you have not placed another $200 WS in one month (or accumulated $200 WS with smaller orders in one month, which would make you again A1), then the 4th month you are considered I1 (Inactive - 1st month).  Once you are Inactive, then the next time you place an order, it must be a $200 WS order for you to get the 50% discount.
    If you order less than $200 when you are in Inactive status, you will pay full price PLUS pay shipping! Yikes! You might as well buy it from your recruiter at full price as to pay that kind of shipping for one or two items.  It's important to remain in Active status
    You can track your A status and I status at Intouch, as well as reminders you get from me by mail and e-mail.