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Booking 2nd Facials
by Senior Director Doris Gessner

This can be used at either a Class or a single or double facial. I developed this years ago (it was my idea originally) and I booked every person from every class with only 2 exceptions: 1. If they were going to leave tomorrow for 10 days or more, 2. If they did not speak English. Those were the only people who did not book their second facial with me and it would ALWAYS be a Class. If for some reason they would not have a Class then I would explain to them that I was sure they would understand that the time they had booked for their facial was my PRIME CLASS time and that they could still have their facial at my home along with anyone else who did not want to share that week. Say 'share' very lightly so as not to offend them. They usually changed their mind as they didn't want to be known as someone who 'would not share'.

It works for me to this day and I book EVERY person from every CLASS. What I find is that most people try it once and then quit using it if it doesn't work. An idea ONLY WORKS WHEN YOU ARE COMFORTABLE with it and it takes up to 21 times to get comfortable. It worked for me right away and after a couple of weeks it worked every time. I booked and held 7 Classes a week EVERY week for 4 years (unless I was going on Vacation or was out of town for some reason). I started this 1 year into my Consultantship and kept it up through 3-1/2 years of my Directorship. Still to this day, that is how I get and maintain my bookings. Try it you'll like it.

This technique is one of the simplest you'll ever learn for booking. Use it 25 times before deciding it doesn't work!
At the beginning of your Class (during the opening remarks), tell the guests that they will be receiving several benefits from their facial, including:
Their initial introduction to the product.
They'll receive an appointment for their 2nd facial.

Mention having their Second Facial at least 3-4 times prior to, during and following the MASK PAGE: (Donna's note:  With TimeWise, you could do this after the cleanser.)
FIVE STEPS PAGE: The Second Facial is your check-up from the neck up. It gives us both the confidence that you're achieving the desired results.
CLEANSE PAGE: I'll be anxious for your feedback at your Second Facial.
MASK PAGE: This is where you book her for her Second Facial. After teaching her about the product and what it will do for her skin, how often to use it and then have her apply it. When you are ready to have her remove the product send half of the guests to (kitchen and/or bathroom), keep half at the table.
Present your datebook (with only the next 2 weeks available) to the first guest, along with a PENCIL and ask her to write her name and phone number by any open time.
IDEA: place bright stars where you WANT bookings, say NOTHING about booking a Class at this point.), pass your datebook on to the next guest.
When you have finished with those guests the next ones will be returning to the table and will notice that something is going on. Excuse the 'booked' guests to go rinse their faces.
As the returning guests seat themselves, indicate that the other guests have just scheduled their Second Facial and now it is their turn.
Hand your book and pencil to the next guest repeating the original instructions and informing them you hope they can find an 'open' time for their Second Facial.

REMEMBER: The KEY is NOT to try to book a Class at this time. You promised them a Second Facial appointment and you just did that! When the second group of guests return, simply continue with the Class...

After you have done your table close, take the guests away from the table, one by one, as usual.
MAKE THE SALE and then say:
Now let's see, when did you schedule your Second Facial? (Look through your datebook--2 pages) and when you find her date say,
That's great, you know it's just as easy for me to do 3 as it is to do 1, is there any reason why you couldn't share your Second Facial with 3 friends?
BE QUIET!! until she answers you!!!
Most will say they can share.
If one doesn't want to share say...GENTLY...!! "That's O.K., occasionally I run across someone who prefers not to share (very softly) and I have one day in which I do their Second Facials in my home, that day is _________________, would you prefer the 10, 2 or 7 pm sitting?
BE SURE TO BOOK your warm chatter single facials to come to your home on that day as well. This maximizes the use of your valuable time.
When you send her back to the table inform her that you'll be going over how to invite her guests later with the other Hostesses. (Coach them all at the same time. In this way the one's who didn't book will hear the coaching and decide they could do it too, they don't want to be left out.) If a guest must leave early, give her your coaching sheet, tell her you'll call her tomorrow, ask for a convenient time and suggest she have her guest list ready.
When you coach them together, inform them that they are limited to 5 guests plus themselves...ask them to please not have more than 6 total.
USING THIS should book EVERY guest at every Class.


Fill in Hostesses Name where you would normally put the Customers name.
Date=Today's Date (9/15/98)
Description= Hostess Credit based on $100 Sales @10%=$10
1st Booking: Mary Jones - 9/18/98 - 5% Bkg Credit=$5
2nd Booking: Sue Smith - 9/20/98 - 5% Bkg Credit=$5
Below 2 Bookings write: Total Credit Pd In Advance..$20.00
Circle in Pen Signature and hand it to her to sign saying, Please sign here to show that you have received your Hostess Credit in advance for the 2 Classes that were booked from your Class.
WAIT FOR HER TO SIGN, on the Customer Signature Line.
Next ask her, "Tell me a little about Mary and Sue, are they usually reliable?"
Wait For Her Answer, NO MATTER WHAT SHE SAYS, say, "Let's insure that they both have a really good Class. Would you call them both tomorrow and see if they have their Class names, or if haven't gotten started yet, remind them that I will be calling them the NEXT DAY (2 days after the original Class). You can give them some suggestions about who they could invite, perhaps someone from your list who could not make it to your Class. If either of them have changed their mind about having their Class on the 'Original Date Booked', please call me right away and you and I can book another date, I'm sure you have more than 3 friends you could invite!
By coaching her in this way, we find that she will help them hold their Classes and if they aren't going to she'll call you and will be ready to re-book with you...Therefore, you will not have given Hostess Credit and have no Class to show for it.