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Marketing Plan Worksheet
by Donna Bayes

I just updated my Marketing Plan Worksheet and my 6 Avenues of Income Interview Sheet.  I use both sheets for my 3-way-call interviews.  I ask that the prospective team member be given both sheets to have in front of her when I do a phone interview. These forms could be emailed if she lives out of the area.  When I get to Box 5 on the Marketing Sheet, I just move over to the Career Opportunities Sheet, which gives more detail, if she is the type of person who needs details. Then go back to Box 6 for the close.

With this marketing plan worksheet I combined great features of many recruiting forms and then added my own closing. Boxes 6, 7, and 8 actually close the interview for you. It's a step-by-step walk through the recruiting interview, including asking the all-important question--"Is there any reason why we can't fill out your agreement and submit it today?"

In box 8 it allows you to share with the prospect the follow-up steps you'll take to get her decision. You must get a decision. You don't want her sitting on the fence. A "no" can actually be better than a continuous "maybe."  At least you know, and you can find out why and then move on. So, the appointment to follow-up is crucial--unless, of course, she circles "A" in box 6.  If she does, then whip out that agreement and hand her a pen or fire up your computer and get her signed up!  Don't worry about finishing boxes 7 and 8!

When I share the marketing facts, I like the prospect to have a copy of this form and I have one.  I fill out my copy as she answers the questions using her form.  She can then take the paper home with her.  What's nice about this form is it is an easy way for even a brand new consultant to share the marketing plan.

The poem on box 7 was in my recruiting notebook years ago and I've always liked it.  I tell them that I'm going to read them a silly little poem, but it is thought-provoking.  Skip it if it offends you.

The only additional pieces of literature you need to use with this sheet (and to leave with your prospect) are:

Any team building brochures from the company.
What's In It For Me brochure that you personalize with your own contact information
You'll also want to have Ready, Set, Sell Brochure. Your director will explain to you the appropriate time to share this brochure with your new team member. Be sure to call your director before giving your new team member this brochure. Your Director will more than likely want to personally discuss Ready, Set, Sell with the new team member. It's important for the new team member to have all the facts, so she can make an informed decision.

After your interview, be sure to call your director and talk about your prospective team member's responses and plans for follow-up.

(Each of these pieces can be ordered from Section 2 Team Builiding Materials, except the What's In It For Me brochure.)

Marketing Plan 2 worksheet is exactly like the first one, but boxes 7 and 8 have been reworded to reflect Top Director Robin Rowland's powerful close.