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Keep Demos Fresh
by Donna Bayes

How many times have you given a facial and found that the mascara demo was dried up and the day solution was so low that you couldn't squirt any into the tray without tipping the tray sideways to keep the bottle upright? Here's the solution.

Every time you need a new product for yourself, take it from your demo bag. Since we are now using full-size products for demo, you will rotate the product you need first through your demo bag. For example, you need a new day solution for yourself. When you take one off the shelf, put it into the demo bag, and take the one from there to use for yourself. That way, you have a brand new one in your demo bag, so that the product to demonstrate to your customers is always fresh. Do it with mascara and all the other products you use personally (most of them, right?)

Mary Kay taught us that, before there were germs, she always had a jar of cleansing cream or whatever on her shelf for the customer to dip into and try.  When it got yucky, she put out a new jar and took the used one for herself. Having the real product for your customers to see and try is key to a successful business.  With spatulas, we don't need to let our customers stick their fingers into anything and can keep products very sanitary.

When you remove a product from your shelf, post it as a demo, since it is going into your demo bag. Demos are a tax deduction to you. Personal use is not.