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Mary Kay Image
From NSD Jan Thetford:

As I sat in new NSD Assimilation this past week in Dallas and had the honor of hearing our #1 National Sales Director, Arlene Lenarz, speak of the importance of keeping the Mary Kay image intact I was reminded of several things I knew but still needed to be re- reminded of and so I am taking this email opportunity to "remind" you of those same things.

Mary Kay Image is an attitude.  Mary Kay Image is a dress code.  Mary Kay Image is a code of ethics that we strive to uphold because Mary Kay herself is very serious about the image that we project to our community by the words we say, the way we treat others around us and our attire.

Mary Kay Image is not something we can choose to uphold or not uphold, rather it is expected of us to uphold it by the woman herself.  When we uphold the Mary Kay image as outlined by Mary Kay herself we honor her.

So......with all of that said I would like to outline the  basics of Mary Kay Image that is expected of all of us representing this awesome company.

We must wear a dress, a business suit, a skirt and blouse, a pink beauty coat, or company attire (Red Jacket with a black not too short skirt, hose, and black pumps) to EVERY Mary Kay function....(regardless of weather), every sales meeting, workshop, business debut, skin care class or facial. I do realize that the fashions are quite casual these days and pant suits are very in with Corporate America, but ladies, Mary Kay women have always been a cut above and we must always look like we represent the #1 selling brand of Skin Care and Color Cosmetics in the land.  

Along with our skirts and suits Mary Kay asks that we wear hose (yes, even in the summer) and close toed shoes.  We need to sport a cute "in" haircut and manicured nails. It is never OK to wear pants to a sales meeting even if you have had a rushed day and no time to change.  Think ahead and put a skirt in the car..... you can change in the bathroom if necessary.

f you are in a Red Jacket it is important that you attend Mary Kay functions wearing that red Jacket with a black skirt and white blouse if you are a Red Jacket, Team Leader, or Grand Achiever; and, a black blouse if you are a Future Director or DIQ.  Don't ask for exceptions.... be exceptional.  Consultants, don't get upset with your Directors when she enforces these guidelines.  It is her job.  Directors, you absolutely need to be in your Director's suit at every function with sharp Top Notch Accessories.

Pick your Top 3 pins to wear on your lapel.  We are professional business women and having a zillion pins on at one time looks a little overdone and can detract from our professional image.

Watch out for gum chewing in public.... especially if you are conducting a class or  talking in front of the group.  Gum can be very distracting.

We are not to have any alcohol at any Mary Kay function and I love that because it keeps us acting our best in a work environment.

It is our job to coach our guests at functions that the meeting attire is professional dress and they will probably feel more comfortable if they do not have on jeans or sweats. They will appreciate your honesty, because no woman likes to go to a place she's not familiar with and be under dressed. Coach them!!!  They will appreciate you.

Please take care to turn off your cell phone before entering your MK function.  It is very distracting to the speaker and very rude to those around you.  If you absolutely must keep it on for a phone call then please have it in silent mode and if you get a call quickly leave the room to talk.  You'll want to coach your guests on this issue also.

Please don't bring small children to meetings and ask your guests to do the same.  Children are precious and we all love them but a sales meeting atmosphere is not an appropriate place for a child.  We cannot expect them to act like adults and be quiet, because they are not.  It's like taking a 2 year old to an adult movie and expecting them to not just doesn't work.

We mustn't get away from standing and clapping out of respect for a Sales Director or NSD when they enter a room or are introduced at a function. Mary Kay always expected us to stand for those women out of respect for their accomplishments.

Let's all take responsibility for this Mary Kay image issue and  when we do, it will not be a problem.