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What To Say When You Call--PCP
Thank you Director Beth Schuetz for these words!

"Just calling to see what you need to restock on to keep yourself beautiful." (and they laugh!) Take their order... then ask.... (unless they are using everything already) ______, if you could change one thing about your skin, what would it be? That leads into recommending a supplement.

Then say "Oh by the way... I am looking for members to join my PMS club.( they laugh)  It stands for Popcorn, Movie and Soda, which I provide- it is a short 15 minute video that I need feedback on. For joining my PMS club and giving me your feedback you get to select an item from my gift basket valued at $20.00! What is good for you--today or tomorrow? and then make arrangements from there.

Do this and find yourself some new personal team members.