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Trunk Shows
Trunk Show Concept
At the Emerald Seminar NSD Mona Butters introduced a new way of selling. Hold on to your hats, this is new for Mary Kay people. It has been through the "will it work?" grind. And it did work! Women love new things and ideas!

First, there are NO MIRRORS or TRAYS involved. TimeWise is tried on the back of their hand. Or any other products that you want them to try.

Second, they can invite as many people as they want. As many as their living room or family room can hold. Are you getting excited?

Third, THEY HAVE LOTS OF FUN. The hostess serves fun food, you make your TRUNK beautiful and have "cute" giveaways. I have NEVER seen a woman who didn't like CUTE!

Fourth, take orders and fill them from the "trunk" of your car. You
should be out of there in an hour or less, depending on how many you have.

It would be to your benefit to have inventory.  You have heard of SHOW AND TELL. Well, this is SHOW AND SELL!!

This is going to give a new meaning to what some people call W O R K.
It is called HAVING FUN, and when YOU DO, your phone will be ringing off the hook from people who like to get together and have a fun Mary Kay PINK TRUNK SALE! This makes a super way to do a NEW Consultant's Debut!

Mona said that you could get a great trunk at Target for $29.

Format for Trunk Shows

Arrive at hostess' home with all your sets beautifully packaged in clear bags, totes, etc. You will also need a hostess gift and a door prize gift.

As guests arrive have each person complete a Customer Profile Card.

When all the guests have arrived, do the following...

Welcome the guests, introduce yourself and thank the hostess. Present her with her hostess gift.
Have each guest sample the TimeWise/Miracle set on the top of one hand.  Use both the Day and Night Solutions, by using Night Solution first, then top with the Day Solution for most noticeable results.  Have customers use a dot of formula 3 foundation on each hand to compare. They will definitely see and feel the difference! Use a contrasting color of foundation.  (e.g. Light skin/dark foundation)
Have each guest sample Satin Hands.
Give brief  “I” story
“Now let's play a fun ticket game with items you have in your purse!!!  I am going to give you 6 reasons why women join Mary Kay.  When you have an item in your person that begins with the same first letter you will earn a ticket. We will be having a drawing at the end of the show for this beautiful door prize!
M- Money,  Earn full time pay in part-time hours!
R- Recognition. One of our philosophies is to praise others to success!
S- Self Improvement... It will be the best self improvement course you could ever take!
C- FREE Car.... How exciting to earn a Brand new Pontiac Grand Am, no car payment and 85% of your insurance paid!
A- Advancement... No glass ceilings... You decide if and when you want to promote yourself!
B- Be your own Boss...  Make your own hours, work with people that you choose, control your income, design your life!

Show and Romance all your sets. Be sure to give a benefit statement of each product included in each set.  Tell price of each set as you go along.  Ask the guests to write down the names of any sets that interest them on the back of their profile card.
Finish the ticket game. Each guest receives one ticket if she is making a purchase tonight, one additional ticket if she is booking her own Travel Boutique show (or any other type of future Mary Kay appt) .  Guests receive additional tickets when they ask questions. One for each product question, two for each question about the Company.  Have hostess draw the winning ticket and award winner with the door prize!
Pass out closing sheets (place in folders with a ticket) and invite guests to bring their completed sales tickets to you.  Have fun selling lots of product, and booking lots of future appointments.
Don't forget to schedule interviews with any guests who showed interest in our Company or who asked great questions.