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Play Ball!
I love to play ball with my Dynasty Consultants!  We're a champion team and I'm proud to be your “coach!”

When I'm asked how I work with my team, I explain it this way:

Picture yourself on a baseball team and it's your turn to bat.  You're a consultant who is ready to take a swing at the business and is ready for me to “pitch” ideas and suggestions to you.  As long as you're at the plate, I'll keep pitching to you.  You may hit a slump where you're swinging strikes, but if you're in your stance, ready to take my coaching, I'm there for you.  

However, you may decide you want to sit on the bench for awhile.  That's okay! I'll then turn my attention to the women who are stepping up to the plate to get my coaching and hit the ball.  It doesn't mean you're not part of the team, and it doesn't mean I don't still love you!  But I'm committed to working with the women who want home runs.

So if I pitch one over to you and you just stand there or you turn around and head to the bench, I'm going to pitch to the next person in the lineup.  

What's a pitch from me?
A phone call
A challenge
An e-mail
A request for you to check in with me after class, facial, etc.
Seeing you at a meeting or Mary Kay event

Respond to any of these, and you'll be batting 1000!  Feel like you want to get started again?  At any time, you can put yourself back in the lineup!  I'm eager to coach you!  It's all up to you.