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$200 Roll-up Beauty Book Class
Donna's Note:  The Create-A-Roll-up works GREAT with this class method! Using the flip chart changes makes it easy to hold a class, even for the newest consultant.

This is the way Cadillac Senior Director Julie Smith, Ruby National Queen of Sales at Seminar 2003, sells so much. She averages $4000 a week!  And normally has 14 or more classes on her books per week!

One of the awesome Donna's Dynasty superstars, Linda Rocha, tried this class method recently and had a $1600 week with two classes and two reorders!  One class was over $1200 using the $200 roll-up method!

Julie said that you have to keep things simple when you are selling that much product. She also thinks that while you will have someone buy a $299 bag occasionally, you won't have the majority of the people at your class buy one and she wants everyone to buy a bag. So she has a $200 bag.

In a nutshell, this is what she does....
She prepares 2 rollups - one has the things in it that you demo at the class (approximately the sets shown on p. 16 of the beauty book). You can put in this one whatever you demo, just keep each of the 4 pockets at about $50.
Pocket 1 - TW Basic - $52
Pocket 2 - Day/Night Solution - $50
Pocket 3 - Basic Color Set - $61.50  
Pocket 4 - Day Spa Set - $50

The 2nd rollup also has 4 $50 pockets
Pocket 1 -Velocity Set, foundation, and Oil Mattifier - $51
Pocket 2 - Satin Lips, Instant Action Eye Cream, Triple Action Eye Enhancer - $48
Pocket 3 - Finishing Set - $61.50
Pocket 4 - Tribute Perfume, Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover - $54

You could also have a fragrance and anything else that totals about $50. The beauty of this is you can use whatever you have in stock!!

She offers them the bag for "4 easy payments of $50" (a $245+ value, counting the bag at $40) and any 2 items at 1/2 price.

At the end of her class, she passes around 3 fragrances and lets them "vote" on their favorite. She said that most people then get one of the fragrances as their 1/2 price item.

PLUS, anyone who buys a bag and then books and holds a class with 5 adult non/mk user guests plus the hostess will get $100 in free product!! (minimum $150 class) Julie says that she rarely has cancellations because women want their $100 in free product and they know that they have to hold that appt and have 5 guests there!

While she is filling orders, she hands the customer a Tic Tac Toe sheet and asks her to put her guest list on it. She collects those and if any of those listed do not show up, she has a list of referrals to call. If she has less than 5 at her party, then her hostess credit is the items that the guests who came are written under (for example, she wrote Susie's name under a nail color and Barbie's under a mascara. If those were the only 2 that came, her hostess credit would be a mascara and nail color). If 5+ show with a minimum of $150 in sales, then the hostess gets $100 in free product.

Donna Bayes's thoughts on the payment plan option that is offered.  When they choose to use the payment plan, figure out the total per pocket plus tax, and let them purchase the contents of one pocket at a time. Get a schedule to deliver each pocket of products on payday. When you deliver the fourth pocket, discount that pocket so that the total she has spent is no more than $200 plus tax. Then give her the roll-up bag, too.

It's just like at The Buckle, a hip clothing store for teens here in Kansas. They have a great layaway program. My kids used to go in there and shop till they dropped, but until it was paid for, they didn't take the clothes out of the store. What's nice about The Buckle is that they let kids pay off a shirt from their lay-away and take it home, then come back when they have more money and get the next item, until their entire layaway is paid for.

So, when your customer puts the $200 Roll-up bag on the payment plan, she is still getting it at $200, but, just in case she never completes the four pockets, you aren't giving her a big discount on the Basic Color Set at $50, if that is all she ever buys.  She gets her discount at the end, on the 4th pocket, plus the roll-up bag at the end.