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Booking Scripts
by Aimee Hindman

I have kept this script simple and easy.  It works great for me because they are comfortable words for me. Of course we will always get those little butterflies… but just pick up the phone or warm chatter someone. I have encountered no problems when booking someone with this script, and I feel comfortable using it with anyone! It works well with someone you know… and with someone you don't know very well, and even with a complete stranger! So read on!

Hi _____! This is Aimee Hindman (introduce yourself and how you know them… church, kids' activities, or possibly a referral).  The reason I'm calling is because I am building a business with Mary Kay (don't pause… keep talking) and right now I am earning my company car.  During qualifications for my car I get to treat 15 new women to a facial every week! I was wondering, if I give you a $10 gift certificate, would you be willing to be on of my 15 new faces?  GREAT!

or use this intro if you warm chattered them and gave them a gift certificate. Or Hi, ______! This is Aimee Hindman with Mary Kay.  I met you at _______ the other day. How are you? Great! Do you have a quick minute?  I'm just calling to set a quick appointment for you to use your gift certificate.  Do you have your date book handy? Which is better for you, days or evenings? ____day or ____ day (give her a choice of 2 open days). Okay, you said in the evening? So would 6:30 or 7 be better? Okay great! So I'll see you at 7 on Friday! Oh, and by the way, if you'd like you can share your appointment with a few friends… but no more than 4.  In fact if you introduce me to three of your friends that currently are not using Mary Kay then you can earn up to $75 of product for only $25!  Doesn't that sound great?!!!   (If she doesn't sound excited say “What would if take for you to get excited about a girls' night out?” You see Suzie,I am earning my company car and I have to complete 15 faces each week. So I am offering anyone who introduces me to a few friends incredible rewards!!!  So Suzie, if I _____ (whatever get her excited), is there any reason why you couldn't share your appointment with a few friends?  

When she asks what to do, tell her...
Make a list of all of the women you'd like to have at your Girls Night Out and remember… if you want 5 there… invite 10.  Usually ½ of the people you invite will show up. Call and invite them for a FUN girls night out and tell them how much FUN they will have! I will have goodies for everyone! Let them know that I'll be calling them to ask them a few questions about their skin and see what they want to learn at the class.  And Suzie, this will ensure that your class will hold.  Your friends will be more excited about coming and I will have built some rapport with them so that they will feel more comfortable with me at your class. I will call you on ________ (48 hours from when she booked) to get your guest list. What time would be good for me to call you?
Do you have any questions?  I am so excited about our class!!! We're going to have so much fun! You are going to make such a great hostess! Remember to keep things simple… cookies and juice will be fine… no need to go all out. Have you thought about what MK products you'll use your hostess credit toward?  (comment on product)
Well, I'm sure you'll earn it!!!  I'll talk to you on _______ (day you'll be getting guest list).  Bye Suzie!