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Are Unit Meetings Required?
WHY ATTEND SUCCESS MEETINGS? -- Could They Be The Key To Your Business?--
Senior Sales Director, Debbie Fraser wrote:
Many times I am asked, "Am I required to come to unit meetings?"  This is your own business...nothing is required of you.  But, if you asked me what is the #1 one thing you could do to assure your success in this business, I would tell you to never miss a unit success meeting!!  It amazes me that people even think of requirements instead of thinking why not do all that is possible to make their success happen.
I am a repeat MK beauty consultant.  You see, the first time I was a consultant, I never attended unit meetings.  I only held one skin care class & sold to family, friends and a few referrals.  I thought meetings were not for me and that I did not have time.  Soon I was out of business.
Who did I blame?  NOT ME!  I said that I didn't think this is what God wanted me to do.  Why do we always blame someone or something else for what we are not willing to do?  Several years later I became a consultant again.  I told myself I would do everything that was suggested to me, every day for 6 months and if it didn't work, then I would prove to my husband that Mary Kay Cosmetics was not for me.  
When I made that commitment, I began attending unit sales meetings and company education classes.  I won a CAR in 5 months and became a Sales Director just 7 short months later.  I BELIEVE WHEN YOU COMMIT TO SHOW UP, THEN AND ONLY THEN DO YOU GO UP!
Did my family complain? YES.  But who has benefited from my commitment?  MY FAMIILY!  Did my husband whine?  YES!  But let me tell you he is not whining anymore!  Once they all  knew that meetings were a weekly event without exception, it became a part of our lives.  We celebrated birthdays and anniversaries around it.  In fact, when birthdays fell on a meeting night, they were excited because they got to celebrate it twice!
Was I putting my career before my family?  I do not think so.  Instead, I was putting my family first.  They have received so many more benefits by me standing STRONG and making that COMMITMENT than by giving in and staying home.  My children have learned commitment, my family has seen me grow and we have all enjoyed the financial benefits.
The success meetings  are where you hold yourself accountable.  You receive the inspiration, motivation and experience of others to inspire you and give you what you need to move up in your business.  You learn public presentation skills, product knowledge and business procedure.
The most exciting thing is that all of this happens without you even knowing it.  One day you will look back on who you were and who you have become and you will be amazed.  You have become a self-confident, polished, motivating person who naturally attracts others.   
So let me answer the question, "Am I required to come to meetings?"   Only if you want to be successful.
They sat near the fireplace.  The seasoned, successful beauty consultant and the brand new, excited one.  They were relaxing, staring at the flames of the fires and soaking up the warmth of the glowing coals.   "Why should I attend all those unit meetings?" asked the new consultant.  "I'm so busy and I want time for my classes and facials!"  Slowly the successful consultant reached for the tongs and extracted a single coal from the fire and placed it on the hearth, alone.  They watched in silence as the glow faded, the warmth departed and the solitary coal became mere ash.   "I understand," murmured the new consultant.