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Individual Closes
Individual Closes-These are a must!

This is the only way to effectively work your appointment full circle:  book/sell/recruit
Sit next to her away from the table.  Have handy your datebook, calculator, product, sacks, hostess packets.
Take her completed Opinion Poll and ask:
“Did you have a good time today?
“How does your face feel?
“Which part of the facial did you like best?
“What questions do you have on anything I covered today?
“_Name_, were you as excited about the way you looked tonight a I think you were?
“Well, you know your situation a whole lot better than I do, whatever works with you is fine with me.
“Would you prefer to splurge tonight with the Basic plus Four Sets and get all the added benefits?
“Or do you need to be more conservative by going with the Basic with One or Two Sets? (Break eye contact and don't speak until she answers.)
“And you marked _________ as the way you would want to handle it (payment method).

Make the sale, take the payment, and then continue.

“I notice from your questionnaire that when we get together for your Color Appointment, that you'd like to share it with a few friends to earn free product.
“How smart of you!
“What is on your wish list?  What would you like to earn free?” (Write it down)
Give her a hostess packet and set the appointment.

“I also notice from the questionnaire that our company might be something you would like to learn more about.  Is there any reason I couldn't…(choose the best one for the situation).
…have you take home this career packet tonight to look over and then drop by to pick it up later in the week and go over any questions you may have?
…treat you to lunch/coffee tomorrow to give you the facts about this company?
…to ask you to stay for 10 minutes after we are all done to share some company facts with you?
If she marked that she was not interested, yet you really liked her and would like to talk with her about it, say,
“You know, _______, I was hoping it would be YOU that would be interested in soe information about our business because ________ (compliment her).  I'm curious, why NOT you?  (Handle objections and then go from there.)
“It's true that Mary Kay might not be for you, and you might not like it, however you probably wouldn't know unless you listened to all the facts, would you?  It wouldn't hurt to just listen to how we make money, would it?”