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Booking with Gloria
By NSD Gloria Mayfield-Banks


Step one:
Order TimeWise sample packets and TimeWise brochures or sample cards.

Step two:
Put 10 of them in your purse each day!

Step three:
Talk to at least 10 women each day!

Say: "(As you know) I am with Mary Kay Cosmetics and we have a revolutionary anti-aging skin care system.

(put the sample packet in their hands at this point)

"Our company is doing a marketing survey and I need to get the opinions of 50 people this week on this product. All you need to do is take this sample home and try half tonight and the other half in the morning. May I call you tomorrow and ask you a couple of questions about the product?"

Tale a notebook with one name, phone number and e-mail address per line.

Say "What is your name? And a number where I can reach you tomorrow. What is a good time to call? Great, I know you're probably a busy person, so may I have your email address in case I have trouble getting you at that time? Thank you so much and I can't wait to hear what you think of it."

Step four:

Most Important Step! Follow Up!!

Use this script word for word.
"________, this is_________and we met yesterday. Thank you so much for taking part in our marketing survey. I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to try our products and give us an honest opinion of them. I won't keep you but a second. I'd like to ask you some quick questions and I'll fill out the questionnaire for you over the phone."

1. Did you find the products enjoyable? ____YES____NO

2. What brand of skin care do you use daily?

3. Would you rate how your skin felt after you used the Mary Kay TimeWise System as . . . ___SOFT AND SMOOTH ____REFRESHING ____NO DIFFERENCE

4. How much would you expect a four-month supply of a quality skin care system to cost? ____$50.00 TO $75.00 ____$75.00 TO $100.00 ____$100.00 OR MORE

5. If you knew that the system you tried starts at $49.00 and comes in a four- month supply including the cost of foundation, would this be a system you would like to have on your shelf at home? ____YES ___NO

6. Great______, I am currently qualifying for _____(Star Consultant Status, Car, Management) and I need to do makeovers on TEN people this week. I'd love for you to be one of my ten and since you so generously participated in my survey, you would receive the TimeWise System for $15.00 off: That would make it only $34.00. It would take 20-30 minutes of your time and you'll get an updated makeover with the latest colors. What would be better for you during Lunch or after Work? (book the appointment)

7. By the way, ____ because I need to do 10 faces, if you ask a couple of friends to join us, you may choose a FREE lipstick. Does that sound like something you could do?

"May I put you on my Mailing List for monthly and quarterly Specials and New Product Brochures?"

***If she won't schedule a makeover, or class, ask her if she would have four people try TimeWise and take outside orders at work. Give her the same Discount for doing it. Of course, have each person fill out a Marketing Surveyat the appointment if they book, when you drop off TimeWise, or if they're going to do Outside Orders. Or, over the phone immediately if they're not going to do any of the above

The KEY is to know what to say next, if there is a "no to an appointment", then ask for outside orders, if "no", ask to be a model, if "no", ask her to fill out a Marketing Survey right now.

After two attempts at calling her, send her an e-mail. If she still doesn't respond, throw her number away and move on!! Don't start a "collection", you should never have more than 30 names in your stack at a time! 20 from the first two days and 10 from the current day! Numbers are the KEY..... Work them and you will be richly rewarded