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Booking Ideas
NSD Sherill Steinman's booking

Have 40 profiles filled out per month - only 10 per week! This is great - order profiles today!
Use of Profile cards: When you are out and about and meet someone ask them if they wouldn't
mind you putting them on your mailing list. (This is less intimidating than asking them for a facial) They will be getting full colored Look Book every 3 months from MK. Then offer them a $5 coupon and have them fill out a profile card.

Pay close attention to what they put down in #6 on that card! Look to see what they checked as of special interest. Call them the next day and say, " We met the other day at _________.
When I got home I looked at your profile card and noticed that you were interested in removing eye makeup successfully. Normally I would just put you on my mailing list but when I saw your interest in that I just had to call you. Every month MK offers a Free product bonus when you have a facial. The free product bonus in March is that eye makeup remover!!! (or whatever they checked) WOW!!! But there is also a bonus gift this month when you share your facial with 2-3 friends. You will never believe this but it is the eye cream that you also were interested in. Would you prefer to have a facial alone for the eye makeup remover bonus or share it with friends for the added bonus?

Go back and LOOK AT ALL PROFILE CARDS to see what your customers wrote down. Call them and offer them FREE what they are interested in and watch your bookings soar!!!!!!!

OR if you have profile cards from way back.say, "I was updating my profile cards and couldn't believe what I saw. You checked that you were interested in________ and that is the free product bonus this month when..(add in facial or class)


Do you find yourself a little stuck? This is an easy way to get new leads! Remember, every face out there is NEW if they have not tried our newest TimeWise! They deserve to try it. Don't you agree?    

Give a client three of your business cards. When she gives these out and 1 person calls you, give your client a 10% discount on her next purchase. If 2 people calls she gets a 20% discount; however, if all three people call within 30 days she gets a 50% discount. Put a date on the business cards when you give them to her.

There is little expense, no time involvement and your client will look for people willing to make contact with you. With only three chances she will try to make them count. I know she will FIND good potentials.

BOOKING- You will love it!
From Director Michelle Framer:
Here is a GREAT idea I received 2 years ago from Pam Tull......I thought it was great
and is a wonderful way to encourage bookings in January, now and next year.

Here's the scoop: Call all potential hostesses and let them know about your "Gold
Star/Silver Star" Hostess Program. When they hold a qualified class between the 1st
and 15th of Jan., they will receive 15% off ALL YEAR on their MK purchases from me -
Gold Star Hostess. If their class is between the 16th and the 31st, they will receive
10% off ALL YEAR - Silver Star Hostess. This encourages women to hold classes
during the beginning of the month. THe kicker is this time next year when you can call
your Gold and SIlver Star hostesses and remind them that they are about ready to run
out of their Gold Star/Silver Star hostess status and is there any reason why they
couldn't schedule another class to retain their special status?!?

Hold the facials now, schedule the classes for after the holidays. I really believe that
we are going to see big things happen after the turn of the new year because it is a new
century and people will REALLY be ready for a change!!

Promote this now and see things happen!!  Adapt it for any month!