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Velocity Class--A Success Story

Here's a letter from a consultant who has experimented with a Mom's and Daughter's Velocity Class. I don't know who to credit, but I think her ideas are excellent.

I have had a fantastic week with my Velocity classes & sales!

I held my first two Velocity sessions on Tuesday evening.  I had a session at 5:15 and then another session at 7:30.  I also held 2 sessions Thursday evening (last night) with the same session times.
So far I have facialed about 18 girls and their moms!  And, I have had over $500 in sales! I excited about Velocity!

The girls absolutely loooved the Velocity skin care.  But they were ecstatic about the color sets!  I have sold several of the color sets.  They all loved the lip gloss, and were very excited about the cream to powder eye shadow.

What I did was scheduled a girls group, in this case the GMC middle school cheerleaders.  I set up the sessions, printed out invitations, got the girls names & numbers, and contacted each one of them and spoke WITH THEIR MOMS.  I told the moms what I was doing and when I had the sessions scheduled.  I didn't even ask them if they wanted to come.  I just point blank asked them what session would be best for them to attend.  I had that positive assumption attitude that THEY WOULD ATTEND!  It worked too!

 As the moms and the daughters arrived at the session, and I had them fill out profile cards.  I had the moms sit on one side of the table and the girls on the other side of the table across from their own mom.  This way each mom could see how her daughter looked at each of the steps of the class.  And during compliment time they could look at one another and tell what they liked about each other's look! I set up each tray by filling the girl's trays with Velocity and the mom's trays with Time Wise.  

I opened my flip chart only to the the first 2 or 3 pages.  The girls would not have sat and listened to the usual Mary Kay opening....they were ready for action!  I talked to the girls about the importance of skin care and how to take care of their skin using the Velocity skin care.  I told them to really pay attention because at the end of the session we were going to have a test and I would ask them questions.  I explained that for each of the questions they answered correctly they would get a ticket for a drawing for a free MK gift!  They all straightened up in their chairs and listened intently!

Then we started the skin care portion and they all loved how the Velocity felt, and especially how it smelled.  I also squirted a little of the Velocity product on the hands of the moms so they could see how the product felt.  As the girls massaged the product in I explained the benefits, then as the moms massaged Time Wise on to their faces, I also explained the benefits.  

I then picked out foundation on the moms using the stripe test.  I had the girls really pay attention to this part because they needed to know the proper way to pick out foundation.
I used to cream to powder on the girls and taught them how to properly apply the product.  They thought they were something because they had on foundation!!!
When we got to glamour, I gave the moms color select cards.  For the girls I opened one of each of the color sets. I will continue to use them at my classes.  I alternated the looks so we could see how each of the the octane sets looked.  For blush I gave the girls azalea.  It always looks good on young skin.  I also let them apply mascara.

After we completed the glamour we did the little test and we had a ball! I asked questions from the skin care class and they really had listened because several answered correctly.  For free gifts I put a Velocity skin care sample set and fragrance vial in a little gold bag.  I also put one of the Journey small fragrance bottles in a bag as a gift.  These girls went wild over this game!

After the game I gave the girls the Velocity survey cards to fill out and the moms the Time Wise survey.  Then I handed out Look books and sales tickets.  The first night I sold over $230.  The second night I sold over $300.  I even sold several of the moms Time Wise products, a Miracle set, and I have several moms who have agreed to meet with me to listen to the Mary Kay opportunity.

I also encouraged the girl's moms to register on line to win the free VW Beetle.  I have already received confirmation from MK that registrations have been completed!  FUn, fun, fun!!!!

I have had such a fun week and love the Velocity products!  If all the consultants would give it a try I know they could have just as much fun and success.

Have a super day!