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The Recruiter's Checklist
Kim Miller, an awesome Red Jacket in the Dynasty Unit, has created this detailed checklist to help her stay focused on helping her new team members.  Click here for her checklist.

And the following information is also helpful:

Her Perfect Start Begins With Her Personal Use

Do you have your new recruit on the product?
Has she trashed her other brand products and replaced them with "head-to-toe" Mary Kay by purchasing her Personal Use Package?
Have you educated her as to which products to use? How, when, and where to set them up in her shower, sink, and bathroom area?
Do you know why she joined? Do you know her goal and dreams in Mary Kay? Share your belief in her!
Make sure she knows how to access our website.
Set up orientation and beginning trainings.
Set up three skin care class observation for her (minimum 1 with you.)
Have you told her about the Pearl Enhancer?  "You probably already know who your first recruit is--someone sharp like you who you'd enjoy going through your training with."
Perfect/Power Start dates--keep confirming.  Brainstorm leads, if necessary.  Set Business Debut dates and set in MOTION. (Refer to Business Debut tape for instruction.)
Have you sent a personalized note of encouragement?
Pinned and introduced her to unit members? (Publicly and one on one?)
Stressed the importance of meeting attendance and initial trainings?
Explained monthly meeting format, appropriate dress, cost of meeting room?
Informed her of current upcoming events (conferences, special workshops, Seminar)
Call her after her first meeting, orientation, training classes, first skin care class, "What did you enjoy the most? Learn?"
Answer her questions.