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On the Go Show
Products in sets (page 14 sets from beauty book or any other items you want to move
Filled "laptop" (color palette large compact)
Place retail lipsticks in acrylic caddies (or any displays you choose.)
Demo Bag (starter kit)
Actual retail products of all set items for demo
Nail polishes for display
Disposable washcloths (cut in half)
Pink plastic clear-covered Shade Refill Display Trays with eye colors and blushes (part # 5479 on Section 2)
Sales tickets
Look Books (one for each guest)
Basket with sample products wrapped
Basket with lipstick, eye shades and blush samples, lips & sponge tip applicators
Mirrors (Idea: substitute Custom Compacts for mirrored tray, to increase sales of these)
Color Select Cards with sponge tip, lip brush & a cottonball.
Have sets in your car to fill orders
Put all the above items in a trunk (Target has great ones for $29) or use rolling suitcase.
Have the hostess serve fun food before the On-The-Go Show begins. Coach her to have fun food! (Party atmosphere)
Set up your show in the living room where there is a coffee table and space for guests to relax. Sit in a low chair or bench to give it a casual yet professional feel.
Place your display items on the table. Create an “I want to touch and buy” atmosphere - They are at your private cosmetic counter.
Have disposable cloths moistened and rolled. Put them on a pretty tray. They need not be hot.
Approximate setup time: 10 minutes

Hostess sends out 40-50 postcard invitations.
Time length: 1 hour
As each guest arrives, do Satin Hands with them.
Fill out the customer profile.
Hand them 2 raffle tickets.
Do Satin Lips with them.
Get food, be seated, then start program.

Introduction:  Thank you all for coming tonight!  What we are going to do now is have each of you introduce yourself.  Tell your name and if there is anything on your face you would like to change?

Note what they say and later recommend:
Puffiness - Indulge
Dark circles - Lumineyes
Acne - Acne gel
Discoloration - spot solution/concealer foundation
Wrinkles & lines - Day & Night solutions.

My name is _____________, and I am an independent beauty consultant with Mary Kay.  I want to tell you a little bit about the products and company you will be working with tonight!  

First of all, let me tell you what we are going to do with the raffle tickets. When you ask me anything about the business aspect of my career during the hour that I will be here, your name will go in a drawing for this fabulous prize!  (extra PCP gift or whatever you want to give away!)  Now, it can't be a question about  skin care or color cosmetics or fragrance, only the business aspect of  my career. O.k?    Great!!  

Now, you know ladies, I could stand here all day and tell you how much I love these products and how much  1000's of other women do too, all across America and all over the world, but what I want you to do today is I want you to be the judge. I want you to compare them to what you are currently using and see if this is something you would enjoy using for yourself!  

I want you to know a couple of things before we get started o.k.?  Here goes:
You were  invited here and I want you to know that you are under no obligation to purchase a thing.
100% guarantee
Try before you buy.
On-the-spot delivery.
The different ways to get your Mary Kay products--Mastercard, Visa, Discover, Cash, Personal Check or the “He'll never know” or the “Husband Unawareness”  plan. A little cash, a little check, a little M/C, a little Visa!
Now, let's get started!

Show the TimeWise Cleanser
You can try it on the back of your hand or the throat area, whichever you prefer. Tell what it does: Cleanses, Exfoliates, Freshens, tones and tightens all in one easy step! It also has anti-aging properties in it.

Show the TimeWise Moisturizer
You can try it on the back of your hand or the throat area, whichever you prefer.  Tell what it does: It is different than any of our other moisturizers, and every other  on the market today in that it continues to hydrate the skin for up to 10 hours during the day without any oil!  It is completely oil-free so it never feels heavy on the skin!

Now address anything they would like to change
For instance, you could say, “Suzy, you mentioned that you are really concerned about some of the fine lines that are starting to appear. You know, with our TimeWise system and the Day & Night Solution (lift it up as you talk about it) it would be exactly what your skin needs!  

Only address the concerns that were expressed during the introduction of the evening.

Now what we are going to do is have fun with a little color! Hand them a
custom compact with a colorselect look card with all the samples on it, and 2 sponge tip applicators (eyes & lips) and a cotton ball (cheek color).  Now you say to them, “Here is a color collection for you to try this evening. In fact, our colors are made with such a GREAT formula, they will cover up any other brand!  So you just go ahead and put them on. (No, there are no pencils used.)

Show Sets
Open the beauty book to page 14 with the sets in the back. Here are the different sets that we offer in Mary Kay.  (Go through each set, TimeWise $49, Day & Night $50 etc) When you get to the Vitamins, grab the box and pull it to you real fast!!! And say, “Now these, THESE are not for everyone.  If you are a woman who has TOTAL peace and tranquility, has nowhere to go from here or tomorrow, or the next day - then these are not for you.  However, if you are a woman who lives life to it's fullest, you are on the go with events for your children, coming and going, going and coming, arriving at home only for  a short while to get dinner quick and leave again, a church function, etc. And you feel like maybe you don't get all the vitamins you should, and maybe you might have a little bit of stress in your life, then these are for you!!!   The vitamin B complex in these vitamins are formulated to help women do all the things they want to do!  

Get Referrals
Let's give away a free Satin Hands, now! Here is a blank 3x5 card. Put your name at the top, and I'll give you 1 minute to write down the name  and number of every woman you know who works hard, deserves to be pampered, and has skin! You can look up phone numbers later.  Our referral queen with the most names will take home her Satin hands free! Now pick up your pen! Ready, Set, Go!
Now, here's how you can purchase your Mary Kay products:
See the sets?  Great - You can purchase 2 sets, and receive the third set at ½ price. Purchase 3 sets and receive the 4th set FREE! Purchase 5 sets and you will receive the Day Spa set (Satin Hands & Visible Action Skin Revealing lotion) for FREE, and a choice of a fragrance - FREE, plus call me on your birthday and receive your FREE gift!

(Hand out sales tickets)
Now, before you start writing up your purchases, I want to share with you
something that's really important!  Whatever you purchase today, you will receive ½ of it in FREE product when you hostess one of these
“On-the-Go-Shows” with 10 people and hold it within the next 30 days!  So keep that in mind when you make your purchases today!  Also, this is your last chance to ask me anything about my business because we are going to have the drawing from the raffle tickets!  (Then draw for that prize)

O.K. Ladies, I will give you 10 minutes to make your products selections and we will draw from the sales tickets for another great prize! I'm going to clean up and when I'm done, we will draw from the sales tickets to see who is going to take home this wonderful gift!

Now, when you get their orders, ask them if they can wait 5 minutes while you go get their product out of your car, or would they prefer to have it mailed or delivered at work etc. You are out of there in 1 hour!!   Have a great time with this! It works if you work it!!

Thank you Sherrill Steinman for this wonderful idea!!!