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Recruiting 1-2-3
So often we tend to complicate the team building process by using too much material and information, when in fact, all the information we really need is a clear analysis of our prospect's life and her needs so that we can give her customized information about Mary Kay -ONLY what she needs in order to make a YES decision. You can do this in 5 easy steps! But the key is, You must be a good listener, and you must ask logical questions based on her responses!! A good interviewer develops good questions that invite information, and a good interviewer LISTENS! As Easy as 1,2,3,(4,5)!

“Tell me about yourself.”
“What do you like most about your life/job? What do you like least…?”
“What do you value most in your life right now?”
"If I can show you how to keep what you value and get what you need, is there any reason why you wouldn't consider Mary Kay as a part time business for yourself?”

Step 2 - EXPLORE!!
“TELL me what you know about Mary Kay, the products, and the people.”
Validate what is correct.
Ask permission to add or alter areas she has mentioned that need more clarification.
“What would you need to know about Mary Kay in order to make a YES decision?” (Stick to her issues ONLY!!! We are interested in answering her questions, not our own!!)
After each question, “What else?” (would you need to know …or what other questions would you need to have answered?)
CREATE A FOCUS ON HER MOST POSITIVE THOUGHT WITH, “If in your wildest dreams you decided to do this, what would you enjoy the most?”

“On a scale from 1-10, 1 being you would never do this, 10 being you are ready to order your showcase now, 5 is for chickens, so it's out, where are you right now?”
“What would you need to know in order to get to a 10?”

Be prepared to overcome at least 3 and probably 4 objections. If you don't get this many and you don't have an agreement, you did not get the real objection yet…. So persist!
Be professional by getting to the bottom of what she is saying so you can support her to get the needs in her life met by our Mary Kay opportunity. The process to overcoming objections is as follows:
REPEAT what she says (after listening carefully). “So what you're saying is _____.”
RELATE (Feel, Felt, Found…”I know how you feel…” "I felt the same way, but I found that...")
RESPOND Overcome by sharing someone else's brief story or going back to an earlier part of the interview. If you know her HOT BUTTON, there is NO objection you can't overcome short of “I don't want to do this”, which you almost never get!! So, refer back to her NEED, her HOT BUTTON.
ASK QUESTIONS “Remember earlier when you said __________? What other plans do you have to (fix, remedy) that (need)?”
INVITE… the next objection! “If it weren't for _______, what would keep you from getting started?” You'll eventually get to a response of “nothing” or “I have to think about it”.

Memorize this question: “Great, ________! Is there any reason we couldn't get your showcase ordered? How would you like to take care of it? M/C, VISA, or check?”
Wait for her to respond before you say another word!!

For the objection of “I don't have enough time”, have a weekly plan sheet handy; have her fill in her schedule. Next have her find 2 and 3-hour blocks of time. In the 2-hour blocks, write $100. In the 3-hour blocks, write $200. Add it all up and say, “Will that cover you for your time?”
If MONEY is a HOT BUTTON, a great question is, “If I could show you how to take $100 and turn it into $1000 PROFIT, would you want to know how? (Create any combination you like, but 10 SCC averaging $200= $2000/half is gross profit, $1000).
Remember the PUSH/PULL concept. PUSH: “I think you would be great because of (these qualities that I see in you)”. PULL: “But, this probably isn't for you” (based on her stated interest level).
For the objection of “I HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT”, REPEAT what she says just the way she says it and then, “I've got to tell you I understand. I want to make sure that your think time is productive. WHAT WILL YOU BE THINKING about/evaluating?” (Let her answer. Perhaps you can suggest a pro/con list and 24 hour time frame to call her back.)
“If you don't give this another thought in the next 24 hours, Mary Kay is probably not for you; but, if you keep thinking about what we have talked about, let's get you started!!
What would you have to lose? $100 won't change your standard of living, but it could change your life and meet your need of _______”.
ESTABLISH A DEFINITE CALL BACK TIME. When you call back, say “Hello _____, I've been so eager to call you!! Am I speaking with a brand new Mary Kay consultant?”
Remember to always WORK FULL CIRCLE…. Next step, next step, next LOGICAL step!!!
With her “YES” response, set the stage for a welcome from your director, her orientation, next event to receive her MK pin, her business debut, a task (make a list of people you know who have skin), but be SENSITIVE, and do not overwhelm her.
ONE STEP AT A TIME, customized for this person and what she wants and what you discern she can handle.
If “no” is her response, still work full circle!!!
Talent scout: “_____, I want you to know how thrilled I have been that you have considered this for yourself, and I respect and accept your decision.
Can we agree that if anything changes and Mary Kay could meet a need you have that regardless of where we are both living that you would come into Mary Kay with me and be on my team?” (Shake hands).
“_______, because I'm so serious about sharing this opportunity and moving into leadership right now, I have a request of you. Since you have taken the time to find out more about our company, will you be a talent scout for me?
Who do you know who might have a need Mary Kay could fill?” Pause.
If no one comes to mind, “Is there any reason why you wouldn't take a day or so to look through your address book, think about co-workers, neighbors and suggest maybe 5 (10) women who I could send free product samples to along with a cassette tape to get their opinion on our products and this opportunity?
"And as a thank you to you…” You can offer a gift for the names…for 5 an eye shadow, for 10 a lipstick, for example. You can also offer her a shopping spree (you choose…$25) for any recommendation she makes who actually becomes a Qualified team member.
APPRECIATE her as a customer and re-establish your role as her consultant and create value in that role.
Write her a thank you note.
Remember that a prospect is HOTTEST when she is closest to the product…right after a class or facial so use the 4 point recruiting plan at every appointment!
If you let a sharp gal get past you without an interview or event, then get her close to the product again.
Another appointment, color, nail care OR a drop by appointment to see new colors….. New products!!
And, of course, get the Team Building appointment!
Team building happens when you initiate creating an environment where the prospect can say “yes”!!!
Master your customized interview, taking the personality style (d-i-s-c) information into consideration.
Remember, the only yes you are after initially is a “yes” to the appointment… the interview, the event!!
Do it over and over. Follow up and follow up.
Get referrals and follow up. Work full circle and follow up.
And you will build a first class team!!! It really is as easy as 1,2,3,(4,5)!!