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"Great minds have purposes, others have wishes." Washington Irving Tom Stephens is a great salesman, and also one of the most motivated people I've ever met. When I asked him what motivates him, he told me that whenever he needs to get inspired he thinks back to the greatest motivational speech he ever heard...

One evening Tom was having dinner with his wife. She reached across the table and put her hand on top of his, and said, "Honey, I'm pregnant". Tom said those three words instantly motivated him because all of a sudden he had a bigger "why". The one word that'll get you more motivated is the word: WHY.

Here's the principle: If you have a big enough "why", you will always discover the "how" Last year, Oprah Winfrey interviewed a man named Randy Leamer. Randy's young daughter was going to die unless she received a new kidney. Randy was eager to give one of his, but the doctors refused to let him because he was so overweight. But they gave him eight months to loose 100 pounds. He lost the weight! And even said that it wasn't that difficult to do because he had a tremendous incentive - to save his daughter's life! In other words, as soon as he had a big enough "why" he discovered the "how". When YOUR "why" gets bigger, you'll get better!!

One day a journalist happened upon a work site. He noticed three bricklayers and asked each of them what they were doing. The first, who was working very apathetically, sneered "what do you think I am doing? I'm layin' brick." The second, who was a little more involved in his work replied, "I'm building a wall." But the third man, who was totally absorbed in his work beamed, "I'm building a Cathedral for the Lord."

As your "why" gets bigger, you stop holding back and start going all out. That's why there are so many stories about police officers and firefighters performing superhuman feats when they had to save someone's life.

Get motivated - and stay motivated! To get motivated, discover your "why". What's your purpose? What's most important to you? What do you want to be remembered for? How are you going to make the best use of your talents and abilities? How big a contribution can you make to the world - or to your family? What would you fight for? What would you die for? To stay motivated, you have to constantly and continuously keep reminding yourself of your "why".