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Easter Egg Warm Chatter
Author unknown

Purchase 4 dozen plastic eggs, and then inside put a "$10 gift certificate with makeover" with my name and phone # and some jelly beans and am putting these together to hand out at businesses all next week!!

I will ask for names/phone numbers to follow up with to book a pampering session and redeem their gift certificate!! What do you say to these ladies when you handed them the egg?

"I am here to honor the working women in your office with candies, Easter eggs and gift certificates! Would you like to be honored? Here, you get to choose your egg! The egg has a prize in there from Mary Kay, so I need to get your name and a number to reach you so we can get together for your prize!"

(I then hand them the name/phone number side of my card, leave them my business card, and say)

"Thanks! Have a Happy Easter!!"

I ask if there are any other women who'd like to be honored, and if so, I follow the same script with all of them. If no, then I say thanks and head to the next office!

Tomorrow there will be lots of bored and frustrated working women who wish they were off work!! Banks, doctors offices, etc.!! Go find them and brighten their day!

Well, I took my eggs out today and got 12 names!!!!! I have another 12 to do tomorrow!!! It was so easy and all of the ladies I asked were excited but one, and she was the very first one. What if I had let her "NO thank you", stop me?? I wouldn't have the dozen sharp ladies' names that I do now!!

The very best part?? I got these names in one hour, gals!! That's right! 12 names in one hour, just going through a medical office complex and honoring the hard working women who worked there! My power partner got 12 names too, and she even got TWO who are interested in finding out MORE about Mary Kay!!