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21 Days To Stop Procrastination
From Karen Ayers
Before you can determine to "Eat that frog", a metaphor for doing the biggest, ugliest task first, you need to be clear on what you want in each area of your life.
"The number one reason why some people get more work done faster is because they are absolutely clear about their goals and objectives and they don't deviate from them."
The more clear you are about what you want, the easier it is for you to overcome procrastination since you will know what the benefits will be when you complete the task. So how do you get clear on your goals?
Here is a powerful formula for setting and achieving goals:
Decide exactly what you want.
Write it down!
Set a deadline.
Make a list of everything that you can think of that you are going to have to do to achieve your goal. (in other words, break it down!)
Organize the list into a plan.
Take action on your plan immediately.
Resolve to do something every single day to move you toward your major goal.(your daily "To Do" list)
Does this sound familiar! It should! It's what you have heard many times in training - and guess what? IT WORKS!

Did you write your goals out? Do you know what you need to be doing to start toward your goals? Good! If you haven't done that yet, you need to stop and do it - these tips will do you no good if you are not clear on your goals! Like we say, you can't expect to get where you want to go if you don't know where you're going! And to get there, you will need a map! That's where today's
lesson comes in!
How do you eat that "frog?” One bite at a time! You need to break you plan down into step-by-step activities, and then begin on the first one! This means you need to spend some quality time planning! Our ability to think and plan out makes it easier to overcome procrastination. I promise this is the hardest part of our 21 day journey! But every minute spent in planning saves as many as ten minutes in execution! It could save you hours in wasted time over the course of a week!
Start by making a list, and working from it! If something new comes up, add it to your list before you do it! The best time to make your daily list is the night before so you can hit the ground running in the morning! This will get you going in the right direction immediately without wasted time in the morning! Nothing makes you feel worse that running around "putting out fires" for
half a day, and then realizing that you didn't get done the most important things for that day!
You will need different lists for different purposes:
This is the first list you create.  Write down everything you can think of that you want to do sometime in the future. You can add to this list as time goes on.
Make this up at the end of the month (for instance, this week!) for the month ahead. Transfer any items from your master list to this one if appropriate.
Plan your week in advance; I like to sit down on Sunday and plan the upcoming week out. This is your "TO DO" list, but you will need to have your weekly calendar handy to make sure you can fit everything in!
Finally, you will transfer items from your monthly and weekly list to the daily list you do each night. Keep in mind your goals, and try to put items on the daily list that will move you toward your goals! I suggest doing a separate "personal" and "business" list.
You will be surprised how much your productivity improves when you always work from a list! You will develop a sense of forward momentum that will enable you to overcome procrastination!

You've heard it before: 20 percent of your activity will account for 80 percent of your results. This rule, called the Pareto Principle, applies to many concepts in time and life management. People in society tend to naturally divide into the 80 / 20 principle. For instance, 20 percent of your  customers will account for 80 percent of your business; 20 percent of your tasks will account for 80 percent of your the value of what you do. In other words, some of our tasks on that TO DO list are very low priority when we look at how they will move us towards our main goal. We tend to spend too much time on the low priorities in order to avoid "eating the frog", the one thing that would move us toward our goal faster! Therefore, you must resolve to spend your time doing the things that really count! This takes discipline!
Resist the temptation to do the small things first!
Yes, the hardest part of any task is getting started! You will actually feel more motivated to do the task once you begin if you know that it will help you accomplish your goals faster! You will have more satisfaction when it is completed, too!
For example: your list includes 1) putting labels on products, 2) making calls to birthday customers, 3) organizing your profile cards. Which item do you think would help you move towards your goal of $300 in sales this week? Why do we spend time doing the other things? (These should really be delegated to someone else!)
Time management is control over what you do next. Your ability to choose between the important and the unimportant is the key determinant of your success in life and work.
 How important is that task on your to do list? The truly successful people in this world can determine the importance of a task, the potential consequences of doing or not doing it! How will it affect your "end result" desired?
Long term thinking improves short term decision making.
Always ask yourself before beginning a project: What are the potential consequences of doing or not doing this task? What we do today certainly determines the outcome of our future! The clearer you are about your future intentions, the more clarity you will have in the present to make decisions.
Successful people are willing to delay gratification and make short term sacrifices now, so that they can enjoy greater rewards in the future! You've hear us talk about how the months of DIQ qualification are intense and stressful at times; but it's only short term stress - in the end it will be well worth the effort you put in! The same is true if your goals are as simple as consistently selling $500 a week! You may not always feel like making phone calls to book or sell, but once you get going and get the "yeses" you realize the discipline it took was worth it!
What other things can add up to your future success? Following a weekly plan sheet and putting in X hours each week either calling for bookings, holding appointments, or making "On the Go" deliveries; reading regularly in your field to educate yourself ( start by re-reading your Career Essentials and Product Guide!); attending meeting EVERY week; making all company trainings and events a priority!
When faced with a "TO DO" list, get in the habit of asking yourself which item if done would have the greatest positive impact on your goals? Then get to work and do it!!!

This method is a powerful priority setting method that will help you get the most out of each day! The technique is simple! First make a list of everything you must do for the coming day, writing it down! Next assign an A,B,C,D or E to each item according to the priority of the task. The priorities go like this:
A - something that is very important; you must do it or face serious consequences. (example: it's the last day of the quarter and you need to place an order to finish Star Consultant! You don't get another chance tomorrow!)
B - a task that you should do, but it has only mild consequences if not done. Someone may be unhappy or inconvenienced if you don't do it, but it's not nearly as important as an "A" task. Example: returning an unimportant phone call or checking your email. The rule to remember is that you should never do a "B" task if there is an "A" task left undone!
C - The "C" task is something that would be nice to do but for which there are no consequences at all if not done. Example: phoning a friend for lunch, or doing some personal chore during business hours.
D - This is something you can delegate to others. Here is where you can really save time! You should delegate everything that does not have to be done by you personally. Examples in your MK business would be: stamping books, labeling and unpacking products, cleaning mirrors, etc. Your children would probably love to help, and if you don't have children - hire a neighbor's kid!
The idea is to free you up to do the A and B things that will make an impact on your career! (Book- Sell- Recruit!)
E - This is something you can eliminate altogether and it won't make any real difference. Maybe this seemed important at one time, but is no longer relevant to you.
After using the ABCDE method of establishing your priorities on the TO DO list, get to work and start with the A items first, breaking them down to A-1, A-2, A-3 if necessary! You will learn to organize your tasks to make a real difference!

Your starting point is to define the key result areas of your work! For a salesperson they are things like prospecting (meeting new faces!), booking appointments, closing the sale, and delivering excellent customer service. Now that you have made your list, you must grade yourself on your ability in each area. Be honest! Where are you scoring A's and where are you scoring less than that? (do the 1 - 10 score) What areas are you weak in?
Your weakest key result area sets the height at which you can use all your other skills and abilities.
You could be excellent in several areas, but if you score poorly in one area that could hold you back from excelling in your field! One of the major reasons for procrastination and delay in the workplace is that people tend to avoid activities in the areas where they have performed poorly in the past. (avoidance!)
Just think how much more motivated you will be to do that task if you have the skills and confidence to do the task well! Ask yourself: "What one skill, if I developed and did it in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on my business?"
The good news is that these skills are learnable! You can improve with practice, reading up on the skills and learning from others. Why not decide today to get better at your weak areas, and make a plan? Just start today!


The Law of Enforced Efficiency says that there is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing. In other words, when you get right down to that which MUST be done, you always seem to find the time to get it done. This may be at the last minute, after procrastinating for hours (or days), but you do what it takes to get it done.  Contrary to popular belief, most people do not perform well under pressure. They make more mistakes, experience more stress and may have to redo tasks that were done incorrectly. Your best bet is to do what must be done first!  A simple truth is this: There will never be enough time to do everything you have to do! You know those piles of magazines, tons of emails, and overall
clutter we have in our lives?  You will never get caught up with it, so get that thought out of your mind. What you CAN do is to do the most important things! How do you determine which tasks should be done first?
1.     Ask yourself, what are my highest value activities?  What will make the greatest contribution to your business, family or your life in general?
2.     What can I and only I do that, if done well, will make a real difference?
3.     What is the most valuable use of my time right now?

Ask yourself these questions constantly throughout your day and you will begin to make a difference. Do first things first and second things not at all. The things that matter most must never be at the mercy of the things that matter least!

The best way to overcome procrastination and get more done faster is to have everything you need at hand before you begin!
Sounds simple, but how many times have you started something, only to be sidetracked by finding things you need to do the task? It's like cooking supper: you have the recipe, you set out all the ingredients on the counter, then follow the steps to cook the meal.
Begin by clearing off your desk so that you only have the one task in front of you that you will work on. Get rid of the other distractions: put everything in a box so it's out of sight for that time frame! Let's say you are going to make customer service calls. Get all of your writing materials, profile cards, sales slips, calculator, beauty book, etc. right there in front of you! Don't forget the phone! Make sure your work space is conducive to working! Example: is it in a QUIET
area of the house so you won't be disturbed by family while on the phone? When you have everything ready, pick up the phone, smile at yourself and say "Boy, am I sharp!" and then begin!

This is one of the most important productivity principles of all! Learn what you need to know so you can do your job well! A major reason for delay and procrastination is a feeling of inadequacy; this can discourage you from starting the job at all.
Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.
You want to always get better at your "key tasks" so that you can move forward in your career. The good news is, we are all teachable! Whatever skills you are weak in, you can practice and get better at them!
Some ways to improve in our line of work:
Read in your field every day. This could start with our product guide, APPLAUSE magazine, Career Essentials.
If you do not like to read, be sure to order all the tapes available on our order sheet and listen to tapes! You can also take advantage of the tape and video library at the training center! Why not make it a habit to take out a new one each week on Monday night?
Attend every seminar, workshop, meeting and conference available! It's an investment in your career! And be sure to sit up front and take notes!!!
Of course, there is nothing as helpful as practicing your skills over and over: hold facials and classes, hold "practice" interviews on a regular basis (i.e. 2 to 3 times a week!) and you will gain confidence and skills quickly!

You are special! You have talents and abilities that make you unique! There are certain things you do very well, and that make you very valuable to yourself and others. Your job is to identify what your special areas of uniqueness are, and do those over and over again. This is what gives you "earning ability". If you lost everything material-wise, your earning ability would allow you to
rebuild and start over again!
Look at your talents and determine what you do well; are you great communicating with others, do you have good follow up skills, are you knowledgeable about your products...what is it that you love most about your career? This is what you want to concentrate on and do the most often.
You can't do everything, but you can do those things in which you really excel, and that will make a real difference!

What is holding you back? The reason you are not achieving your goals is something you must identify and overcome!
First, identify the most important goal in your life today. Then decide what sets the speed at which you will accomplish this goal? "What's holding you back from reaching the goal"?
Here's a hard one to swallow - usually it is not something that someone else does or does not do, but something YOU must take personal responsibility for! Yes, we often have great "excuses" for not doing that which we say we want to do... the kids, the job, the husband, etc. But when it comes right down to it, it is our decision to do what is required to reach the goal that counts! Just
about everything in your way can be overcome!
TIME: Don't have enough time to do the work? Get up earlier and work later (if necessary, finish office stuff after the kids are in bed!) Give yourself a "time management" quiz: Keep track of your time for one week (write on a weekly plan sheet) and write down EVERYTHING you are doing all day long! You will find the reason you "don't have time" very quickly! I think one of our worst time wasters is trying to do TOO many things at once: we feel stressed and never finish anything! (at least that's mine!)
NOT ENOUGH CLASSES: Hold a "phone-a-thon" night at your home and call for 2 - 3 hours straight to book your current customers for NEW STUFF classes, ask for referrals, or call everyone you know that is not currently a customer! Often after the first few call, you'll get on a roll and your excitement will help you get the bookings!!
DON'T HAVE THE SKILLS/ KNOWLEDGE: READ!!! Listen to tapes, attend meetings and workshops - and JUST DO IT!
Start your day with your daily TO DO list, know your plan for the day, and remove any obstacles in your way! You can do it!!!

You've heard the saying: By the yard it's hard; but inch by inch, anything's a cinch!
One of the best ways to stop procrastinating when faced with a huge task is to focus instead on the little "bites" you can take to accomplish the big task!
A journey begins with the first step.
In this way, we can look at our major tasks, make a list of what smaller things need to be done to accomplish it, and then begin immediately! Once you get going, chances are you will start to feel like you're making progress and the big task will seem achievable!
Examples in our business are easy to find: if your goal is directorship, you begin with one recruit then keep going! It's all laid out for us in the Career Essentials. Maybe you have a financial goal. If so, just break your yearly goal down to monthly, weekly and daily goals - then start selling!
You can overcome procrastination by just beginning

The world is full of people who are waiting for someone to come along and motivate them to be successful! These people are waiting for someone to do something that only THEY can do themselves! Did you know that only about 2 percent of people can work entirely without supervision? (Hmmmm...that is also the percentage of directors in Mary Kay compared to the sales force!) We call these people "leaders"!
Your job is to form the habit of putting the pressure on yourself to get the job done, and not wait for someone else to come along and force you to do it. As a "self employed" beauty consultant, we have to be the "boss" for our company - and make ourselves work!
Set standards for yourself that are higher than those anyone else could set for you. Make it a game with yourself to raise the bar each day, week and month!
Here's a great way to motivate yourself to work: imagine you have just won an all-expenses paid trip to your dream location! The only catch is you have to leave the day after tomorrow! What would you have to accomplish in order to be able to leave tomorrow with a clear conscience? Whatever that is, start on it immediately!
You will be amazed at how much you can get done quickly and more efficiently when you put the pressure on you!

"Gather in your resources, rally all your faculties, marshal all your energies, focus all your capacities upon mastery of at least one field of endeavor."
                                                                John Haggai
One of the most important requirements for being happy and productive is for you to guard and nurture your energy levels at all times. When you are fully rested, you can get two, three and even five times as much done as when you are tired.
We all have specific times of day when we are at our best. Identify these times and discipline yourself to use them for your most important tasks. Are you a morning person? Is afternoon better for you to concentrate? A few people are most creative late at night. Find your best time of day to be productive!
A major reason for procrastination is fatigue - or trying to do your task when you are too tired. For this reason it is important to get plenty of rest each night! Turn off that t.v . and get to bed an hour earlier, and you will feel like a new person in just a few days! Take regular "days off" - probably the weekend for most of us - when you do not do anything that has to do with your job.  Relax! Plan regular vacations every year, even if they are only weekend getaways. You are at your most productive after a weekend or vacation. The added energy you have will enable you to overcome procrastination and get started on major tasks faster and with greater resolve.
You've heard the saying, "You are what you eat". This is true for your energy level, too! Try to eat a healthy breakfast each morning, and eat more lean foods during the day such as salads, chicken, and fish. You should eat like you are in training for a competition - you are! Your life and work will be better if you take care of yourself!
Exercise is also an energy booster! Find a form of exercise that you like and can do regularly; walking, biking, aerobics, etc. You will be amazed at how much better you feel when you keep your body in running order! High energy levels are indispensable to higher levels of productivity!
1. Ask yourself what am I doing physically that I should do more of?
2. What am I doing that I should do less of?
3. What am I not doing that I should start doing if I want to perform at my best?
4. What am I doing today that affects my health and that I should stop doing altogether?

To perform at your best, you must become your own personal cheerleader! You become what you think about most of the time. Be sure you are thinking and talking about the things you want rather than the things you don't want! Your self talk every day must be positive and upbeat!
Continually tell yourself things such as, "I can do it!!"
Psychologists have determined that optimism is the most important quality you can develop for personal and professional success and happiness. Here are the three special behaviors they have determined that optimists have, all of which are learned through practice and repetition:
1. Optimists look for the good in every situation. No matter what, they look for something good and usually find it!
2. Optimists always seek the valuable lesson in every setback or difficulty. They believe that "difficulties come not to obstruct but to instruct."
3. Optimists always look for the solution to every problem. Instead of blaming or complaining, they ask questions like, "What's the solution? What's the next step?"
In addition, people who are upbeat talk continually about their goals and the future, not the past which they cannot change! Looking forward positively helps build your confidence and makes you feel more motivated to get started and reach your goals!

Creative procrastination is one of the most effective personal performance techniques. It can change your life!
You don't have time to do everything that you have to do, so you have to procrastinate on something! Plan to procrastinate on those things that will really not make a big impact on your life and goals today. You must constantly be asking yourself is this a "low value" task or a "high value" task. The low value tasks are those that can be delegated, eliminated or procrastinated for
You can get your time and your life under control only to the degree to which you discontinue lower value activities.
One of the most powerful words in time management is "NO!" Just say no! to anything that is not a high value use of your time and energy! The fact is, you have no spare time!  Look at the activities you do each week; are they really important to your goal or your happiness? Do you HAVE to be room mother? Do you HAVE to bake homemade cookies for the church bazaar? Is that TV show really worth an hour of your time?
Review all of your activities for a week, and cut down on those that are not making a significant improvement in your life! Learn to "creatively procrastinate" on those things, and spend your time doing the important things today!

One of the best techniques for overcoming procrastination is to start work by doing your most difficult task first. It is one of the hardest and yet one of the most important of all personal time management skills.
Here is how to develop this habit:
At the end of the day, or on the weekend, make a list of everything you have to do the next day.
Review the list using the "ABCDE" method to assign priorities.  
Select your A-1, most important task to do first.
Assemble everything you need to start and finish the job, getting it ready to start in the morning.
Clear your workspace so that you only have the one project in front of you.
Discipline yourself to get up, get ready and then get started on your most important task, without interruption, before you do anything else.
Do this every day for 21 days until it becomes a habit!

This discipline will break you of the habit of procrastinating on the most important task, and puts you future in your control!

A big reason that we procrastinate an important task is that it seems so large and formidable when we first approach it. One way to tackle a big task is to cut it down to "salami slice" size, and resolve to do just one slice at a time!
Psychologically you will find it easier to do a single, smaller task and complete it. Often once you get started, you will feel like doing just one more slice - and you'll soon be working through the job quickly! We all have an urge to complete any task we start, or a "compulsion to closure". The satisfaction you feel after completing a job makes us want to keep going! Don't you feel good when you can put a check mark next to a finished item on your "TO DO" list?
Any job that you face, write down the smaller pieces of it, and resolve to get started today by doing just one piece at a time!

"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all of your energies on a limited set of targets."
-Nido Qubein
This strategy of creating large chunks of time will require a commitment from you to work at scheduled times on large tasks. Your ability to create these blocks of high-value time is central to your ability to make a significant contribution to your work and life.
Successful sales people set aside a specific time each day to phone prospective customers! They have a specific time that they begin and end. For us, this could also include customer follow up (reorders), hostess coaching calls, profiling customers, etc.
The key to working this method is to PLAN AHEAD when you will do these tasks, then stick to it! A weekly plan sheet, calendar or date book is essential. Not only do you need to see it in writing, but also your family needs to know when "mom" is working her business!
In addition to these large chunks of time, take advantage of the smaller chunks of time you have! If you take work with you, you can do a lot while you are waiting on kids at activities, in the doctors' office, or sitting in the airport! These little "gifts of time" are essential to those of you who work another job: be sure to have postcards to write (hostess reminders, guest reminders); phone lists and your cell phone; weekly summaries to total; or just your APPLAUSE to read up on new information!

"Do not wait: the time will never be just right. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command..."
- Napoleon Hill
Highly productive people are "action oriented". They take time to think, plan and set priorities. Then they launch quickly into their plan. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get so much accomplished in the same amount of time as someone less motivated? It's because they have a "sense of urgency," an inner drive and desire to get the job done quickly.
You can trigger this sense of urgency in yourself! When you work at high-value tasks at a continuous level of activity, you can actually enter an amazing mental state called "flow". You feel elated and clear about your goals. Everything you do seems effortless and accurate. You actually function on a higher plane of clarity, creativity and competence. Have you ever been around people that seem to have this sense of flow? They are exciting to be around!
When you become action-oriented, you activate the "Momentum Principle" of success. Once you get going on something, you seem to gain momentum and then it takes far less energy to keep going! You have seen people in our unit do this: remember last year when Christina went into DIQ qualifications? Didn't it seem like all of a sudden she had recruits everywhere she went? That is the principle of momentum in action!
One of the simplest ways to create this momentum is with self talk: constantly reminding yourself "Do it now!" or "Back to work!" is a great way to get going and keep going.
Resolve today to develop a sense of urgency in everything you do. Select one area that you tend to procrastinate in and make a decision to develop the habit of fast action in that area!

Every bit of planning, prioritizing, and organizing comes down to one simple concept: just do it!
Your ability to select your most important task, to begin it and then to concentrate on it single-mindedly until it is complete is the key to higher levels of personal productivity.
Single handling requires that once you start a task, you keep at it until it is 100% complete. You do not let yourself get distracted, putting the task down and then starting over again, and keep urging yourself on to get back to work! By doing this, you can actually reduce the time required to complete a task by 50% or more.
Once you have decided on the most important task at hand, anything else you do is a relative waste of time! It is not getting you any closer to your goal. This ability to stick with it is also called "self - discipline", and can described in this way, "The ability to make yourself do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not!"
Persistence is self-discipline in action. The more you persist on a major task, the more you will like and respect yourself - building your self esteem. You will become a stronger, more competent person by building yourself up, therefore becoming more productive.
So take action today! Decide on your most important task, launch into it, and stick with it till completed!