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Arlene Lenarz's Questions for Working With Consultants
Key Questions for Working with
Your Independent Beauty Consultants
Independent Executive National Sales Director Arlene Lenarz provides this list of key questions you may want to use when working with and coaching your Consultants.

Working With and Developing New Consultants

What attracted you to Mary Kay?
What are some of your immediate goals and desires? Which goals would you like to accomplish first? Which goals do you want to achieve in the next six months?
What are some of your strengths/weaknesses? Which strengths are you most proud of?
What do you expect from me as your Independent Sales Director that will help you the most? Which areas can I be of most assistance to you?
What can I expect from you as an active, achieving Consultant in the unit?
How much money do you want or need to earn weekly in Mary Kay?
What motivates you? Money? Prizes? Recognition?
I know you will want to become a Senior Consultant during the very first month of your career. You can do that by sharing your opportunity with someone. Let's get your list of names of people you think would be good; and if you want, I will help you to build your team so you can enjoy all the rewards available to you. Won't it be great to start your career with a friend?

Developing Star Consultants

What Company prizes are you working for this quarter?
Do you understand the Company rules and dates?
Have you mapped out your plan of action to achieve this goal?
I am so excited to see that you are on-target for your Ruby Star. What do you have on the books?
You deserve all of the rewards of a Star Consultant this quarter. Can you see yourself on stage at our quarterly Awards Banquet being honored as the “shining star” that you are?
Is there any area of your Mary Kay business that you'd like some help in so you can accomplish your goal of Star Consultant?
Have you thought about how much money you could make as a Star Consultant, or is it being successful that motivates you?
Can you see where the consistency of the Star Consultant program could insure your success?

Developing A Star Recruiter

Let's get you into your red jacket this month. It's time, don't you think?
Who did you meet at your skin care class last night that you think would be good? How many?
Who are five of your best customers?
Have you offered each of them the Mary Kay opportunity?
Today is Tuesday, Is there any reason you couldn't get back with me on Friday to share the results of talking with those five customers?
Would you prefer that I do the interview for you?
How many new team members would you like to have after our meeting on Monday?
How will you use the extra money that you can earn from team building?
You look fantastic in your red jacket, and you are just a breath away from Team Leader. I'll bet you'll have your Team Leader pin by the end of the month.

Getting On-Target Grand Achievers

By what date do you want that red Pontiac Grand Am in your driveway? Which month would be better for you?
Do you understand the requirements and maintenance rules?
Since you know the requirements, what is the next immediate step that you need to take?

Developing Future Sales Directors

What excites you about becoming an Independent Sales Director? What rewards excite you the most?
Do you understand the requirements?
Since you know the requirements, what is the next immediate step that you need to take?
Are you ready to make a personal commitment to work consistently, and to be patient and determined until you reach your goal?
I'm very willing to match my time with your effort. Let's have an agreement. If for some reason your goals change or you stop working up to your ability, we'll always be friends, but we'll agree not to work together on this goal for now. Does that sound fair?

Non-Productive Consultant

If you were going to start your business over, what things would you change?
Can you tell me what you remember about the excitement you felt when you first became a Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay?
Would it be of value to you to go through New Consultant Orientation again?
Do you have anyone to book? Are you using the “open mouth” policy? Which would be better for you - 2 bookings or 3 bookings this week?
Do you know how to prospect for booking leads? Which prospecting approach works best for you?
Is there any reason why you couldn't have one facial in the next 48 hours? Or which would be better for you, one facial or two in the next 48 hours?
Daily expectation/inspection:
- Monday
   What do you have going?
   What's up?
    How many skin care classes/facials/interviews do you have scheduled this week? I know this can be a productive week for you!
- Wednesday
   How are you doing?
   What's happening?
    Are you reaching your sales goal?
- Friday
   Tell me about what you accomplished. (You may want to have her reestablish her goals, then give her a challenge or an assignment.)
Can we work together on an activity, rather than results?
What are you going to do differently this year to achieve your goals?

Inactive Consultants

My unit report tells me you are no longer active in the Company. What are your plans?
Are you aware that in order to retain your personal team members, you need to place an order this month?
Do you think your present booking skills are adequate?
Do you have any fears?
I realize that you are unable to attend sales meetings on a consistent basis; but you do enjoy servicing your clients, don't you?
What are your goals right now? Do college educations for your children, a new home, an exotic trip, a designer wardrobe, or a new summer home inspire you?
What do you plan to change to achieve your goals this year?