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I knew it was important to write notes to my consultants, but I didn't know what to say until I found these words of affirmation by NSD Arlene Lenarz.  She is the MASTER of praise!  I began writing these words on postcards and sending them to my consultants, with amazing results!  To avoid repeating myself too often, I made a tracking sheet  so that I could track which words I'd already used and the date I used them.

Affirmative Words and Praise
Affirmative Words and Praise
to Use with Your Consultants

Independent Executive National Sales Director Arlene Lenarz provides these words of wisdom that you may use when working with your Consultants.

You might want to keep this information by your desk and refer to it when talking on the phone, writing on Weekly Accomplishment Sheets or sending special notes.

My heart is overflowing with pride in you and your abilities _ What a sensational success story in the making!
Your beautiful attitude and zest for life lifts you out of the realm of the ordinary! ____________, you are on your way to extraordinary greatness!
What a cloudy day it would be without your sunshine _ You light up my life. Have your greatest week ever. You are on your way to Star Recruiter, and you are going to look simply smashing in your Red Jacket! I can't wait to see you `strut your stuff' on our Area stage at Seminar in the Red Jacket March! Look out Mary Kay World _ A star is born!
Successful people will use every method to get the results they want (providing it is not against man's or God's law). A mediocre person decides on the method and then just settles for whatever result happens. I am so glad, for your sake, that you are result-oriented; because that is the ingredient that makes the difference between ordinary and extraordinary success! The gorgeous Pontiac Grand Am sitting in your driveway will be the visible result of your abilities and efforts! Hip! Hip! Hooray! You are a winner in every sense of the word!
It is sheer joy to see you step out in faith and make it happen for you! Your confidence will catapult you into your Grand Am! What a glorious sight to see you behind the wheel of your very own trophy on wheels! You have everything it takes (and then some) to make this goal a reality for you!
There is a giant within you just waiting to emerge _ Step out in faith! Take Action! Take Charge! Book with abandon! It would warm the cockles of my heart to celebrate YOU as our Unit Queen of Sales this month! I know you have what it takes to do it! Everyone in our Unit agrees with me, too! You are so capable and admired by all!
There is a “season” for everyone, and ___________, your season has arrived! Now is the time (and never was the time more perfect) for you! Refuse to put your eventual success on hold any longer _ Two new team members in January, three in February, and you can qualify for your Grand Am in March, April, May, June, and PRESTO! _ You will adorn the stage at Seminar as the Star that you are, and receive the keys to your red chariot! I know you can do it! You are a champ!”
Some people are great, some are greater. Some are followers, others make the path and are the real leaders! ____________, it is sheer joy to see you `leading the way' in our Unit. You are admired, respected and loved by all, especially me! Here's wishing you another extraordinary week, because YOU ARE!
____________, you are someone for whom the word “versatility” was coined! You do it all with such style and grace! You are an example and an inspiration to all! Your success track is going to take you to the very top! You are superb!
When you write in your datebook, you are writing in your checkbook! What a month you are having, ___________! This will be your most profitable $$$$$ quarter ever!!! As a member of the Mary Kay family, you deserve all the riches of life!
Champions aren't the people who always win; they are the people who just never quit! I admire your persistence and determination, and it is those tremendous qualities that will catapult you to the top!
Every success stems from belief _ and I believe in YOU!
You can't go around improving other people's lives without improving your own! ____________, your tremendous success and glorious future is written in the stars!
Your fantastic sales strongly indicate to me that you are also going to become a top recruiter! You are ready! Now is the time! _____________, you certainly deserve all of the rewards for sharing! All of us in this Unit are looking forward to welcoming you as a new Senior Consultant this month!
(Zippo Week) Now that's over and behind you. No need to dwell on the past unless you want to live there. This week is a whole new beginning, and with your desire and determination to `make things happen', this could be the start of SOMETHING BIG! You are great!
(Terrific Classes and Bookings) They love you, too! ____________, with your beautiful ability to work with people, you are going to experience the joy and fulfillment of working with a top performing team! Your Pontiac Grand Am is on the production line! Make it happen for you!
You can do it! No one does it better than you! You continue to amaze me with your talents and abilities! _____________, you are on the way to the top!
Wow! Your team just continues to get stronger every single month! What a tribute to your leadership and people skills. You are so ready to become an Independent Sales Director! You are greatness!
At Seminar we celebrate the ____________ Area Court of Sales/Recruiting. $10,000 wholesale and/or 10 qualified new team members, and you will be honored as the star that you are! I can't wait to hear your name called as your Sales Director welcomes you to the stage with a standing ovation, because you stepped out in faith and did it! You are so capable and so deserving!
____________, without a doubt, you have everything it takes to be center stage at Seminar as a celebrated car winning Grand Achiever. I can see you there in all your glory bowing to the resounding ovation for your outstanding performance! I am so proud of you, and for you! Have an absolutely spectacular sales and recruiting week!
I have worked with three categories of people: Those that make things happen, those who let things happen, and those who wonder what happened. It is sheer joy to work with someone of your caliber, _____________; someone who sees the BIG PICTURE and is making it happen for themselves and their family! Orchids to you _ You are destined for greatness!
Can you feel the excitement, ____________? You are on the verge of donning your very own red jacket, and I can't wait to see you enjoying the rewards of that accomplishment. This is your month!
(to Star Recruiters) You are just a breath away from Team Leader. By the end of the month you can be wearing your Team Leader pin, and you and your team will be raring to go for the Grand Am! The `trophy on wheels' and those great performance bonuses are going to make you one happy Grand Achiever! I am so thrilled for you!
(Dealing with rejection) Let `NO' be a vitamin. The more you take, the stronger you get! NOs never hurt you, but YESs will make your world! Keep on keeping on. I admire your persistence _ It pays! You are writing your own success story a day at a time, and it is going to be a classic!
Work is “love made visible,” and your love for Mary Kay products and the Mary Kay opportunity is always so evident in your effort and actions. ____________, you are an inspiration to us all. You are on your way to the very top of our Mary Kay world!
You have all the `stuff' it takes to be a Grand Achiever, and it will be joy personified to see you on stage receiving the keys to your `shiny bright driving machine'. I will be cheering the loudest _ Your #1 fan _ Love, (your signature).
It's one thing to achieve a lofty goal once, or even twice. It's quite another to develop a lifestyle of achievement, and that's exactly what you are doing. _____________, you are destined for incredible, indescribable success! My buttons are poppin' with pride over you!
If hard work and determination make a successful life, ____________, you will enjoy all of life's riches!
This list is endless _ Use one per note or summary:
_ I applaud your consistency!
_ I applaud your determination!
_ I applaud your persistence!
_ I applaud your `make it happen' work ethic!
_ I applaud your desire to stretch!
_ I applaud your ambition!
_ I applaud your BBA (Bounce Back Ability)!
_ I applaud your vision!
_ I applaud your plan of action!
_ I applaud your people skills!
_ I applaud your sales ability!
_ I applaud your ability to select winners!
_ I applaud your goal-setting abilities!
_ I applaud your leadership!
_ I applaud your self-discipline!
_ I applaud your go-give spirit!
No one has more or less when it comes to our unlimited Mary Kay opportunity _ It's just that some do more with what they have than others. ____________, it is a tribute to you and your vision that you have made a decision to put forth a concerted effort today; so that you can enjoy all of the rewards and benefits available to you! Your life will be blessed beyond belief!
Success is building self-esteem in yourself and others through service. __________, what a fabulous example you are of sharing and caring. What you put into the lives of others will come back ten-fold!
This career was designed with you in mind! It absolutely warms my heart to see you making the very most of your unlimited opportunity. ___________, the sky is the limit!
The strength and success of your team is a tribute to you, your example and your leadership! Orchids to you!
Your beautiful, positive influence is enriching the lives of all those you touch!
Look out world _ Here she comes!
I have every faith in you! You are `class' personified!
Your dream is in the making _ Make it happen for you!
Your consistency has inspired everyone in our unit! What a tremendous feeling to know that you are so admired, respected and loved! You are a `leader-of-leaders' in our unit _ soon to have your very own place in the sun!
(Note to Husband) Whenever I have a Consultant in my Unit achieving like your wife ___________ is, I always find a supportive husband who is encouraging his wife all the way in her Mary Kay career. Hats off to you in seeing the BIG PICTURE! I look forward with great anticipation to meeting you at our next ____________________________(event)!
Some people merely dream of their achievements, but it is sheer joy to see you achieving your dreams! Words simply aren't enough in conveying to you my pride and admiration at your achievements. Your consistency is an example for all, and I know that soon you will don your very own Sales Director suit!
You are a do-er, not a stewer! That quality separates you from the average! ___________, you are destined for tremendous success. I see you making the headlines in our unit newsletter this month, and I can't wait to feature you there! You are so great!
Professionals put their faith into action. You are a `pro' in every sense of the word. Accolades to you in making it happen! You are writing your own success story, and it will be a best seller!
_____________, it is so great to see you giving your career the first class effort that it deserves. You will soon be enjoying first class rewards as a way of life!
_____________, whatever your mind can conceive and you really believe, you can achieve! THINK BIG, because you are destined for tremendous success! Have a Mary Kay week that you will be proud of!
May your week be even greater than you have projected it to be! You deserve sensational sales, tons of bookings and beautiful new team members just like you! There is a Pontiac Grand Am on the production line with your name on it! I am so excited!
Your enthusiasm is contagious, and you light up the lives of all those you touch! Thank you for being all that you are in my life!
If you can imagine it, you can achieve it! If you can dream it, you can become it! And, you are becoming all that you can be _ EXTRAORDINARY!
Consistency is the key! Success is the daily progression towards a predetermined worthwhile goal! You are so proficient at breaking your goal down into `daily do-ables': A class a day, a makeover a day, three interviews a week, one hour a day servicing customers, and booking more classes to grow on. ____________, you are a `pro' and destined for the highest pinnacle of success in Mary Kay! Bravo! Bravo! You are the greatest!
Benjamin Franklin said, `If you have something to do tomorrow, do it today!' ______________, you must be a first cousin to Ben, because that is one of the many qualities I admire in you! You treat your business with a respect and urgency of time. Your `do it now' attitude will take you to the very top in minimal time! Wishing you a `major league week'! Love you, (your signature)
Winners all have a common characteristic _ They have the ability to FOCUS on what they are doing! You have that ability, and your dream is within your grasp _ the car awaits you!
______________, you are destined for tremendous success _ It is written in the stars!