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Booking Your Neighbors
by Julie Hetherington

DO YOU EVER FEEL LIKE YOU COULD REALLY USE NEW LEADS??? DON'T KNOW WHERE TO FIND THEM??? You have heard the old saying....there is a goldmine in your own backyard....well here you have it! A great script for working with your neighbors. REMEMBER.....A STRANGER IS JUST A FRIEND YOU HAVEN'T MET YET.

"You don't know me but we're neighbors (explain where you live, etc.; visit for a moment).
Well, I'm actually calling because I owe you an apology ...... I teach skin care and makeup artistry with Mary Kay,which has been the #1 selling brand of skin care in America for the last 15 years, and I have been driving the wheels off my car taking my products all over town, and I have neglected my own neighborhood; isn't that terrible? So, now I'm going to try to make it
up to everyone ...... are you currently on anyone's Mary Kay mailing list? May I put you on mine? With everyone being so busy these days, we do quicker appointments that we used to do .......... we have a 15 minute version where you just play with a few of our products very quickly, and then we have a 45 minute version where you actually get a makeover!..... If I were to drop by in the next few days with some samples and a booklet for you, would you want the 15 minute just "look at stuff" version, or the 45 minute "actually get a makeover" version?"

One gal who tried it got 130 new leads - remember, your results from cold calling are lower than warm chattering - but you should still average 1 out of 6 - you can find your neighbors at (put in an address and you can get the names and phone numbers of those living there.)