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Countdown to Christmas
by Kimberly Victor

Here is your action plan for December!! Stay on target and you will feel so good about your accomplishments! Use this acronym to keep yourself on track! Then...plan to have a very Merry Christmas!
C call your customers! It is wise to do a sweep through every customer the first week to be sure they have enough of everything to get through the holidays.  Check on their gift needs and be sure to tell them that you have wrapped gifts and stocking stuffers for their last minute emergencies! you have everything you need to look gorgeous during the holidays?
O order as early as possible, anything you need for your own gifts or for your customers and their gifts! Sometimes during this time of year we experience back orders! Don't delay!  Remember that the distribution centers will be closed part of Christmas week. If you still need things for Christmas at this point do it early!
U use your time wisely! Remember, it is Christmas week...not Christmas month! If you take off the entire month, you will regret it in January! Book appointments now for January with people who want to wait until "after Christmas". You will begin the New Year with a full date book!
N notice the needs of people you come in contact with...December can be a great great recruiting month! When someone tells you they want to wait "until after the first of the year" then say..."great!  We are doing the paper work now for consultants who want to begin in January! Then you'll be ready to go the first of the year and you will get an extra tax deduction for 2002"!
T treat those on your gift list to a Mary Kay gift! It is not only welcome, it is smart money management!  Product gifts are deductible and it increases the variety of products your recipient is sold on...this can mean additional orders for you over the next months!
D determine your prize goal in the star consultant contest and plan your Orders for your maximum benefit! If you are on-target for star status ending Dec. 15th, be sure to check your totals for that also, or e-mail me to see where you are and how much you have left.  Remember that all orders starting on Dec. 16th count for the new star consultant quarter and that everyone on-target right now can also get all of the new foundations on your orders in finishing stars before the 16th!!!
O organize for maximum effectiveness! This is the time of year that we usually have to wait in the post office, grocery stores, shopping, etc.  Always have something with you that you can do and business cards, beauty books, demo eyes, lips...that you can use to book someone you are in line with! Also, bunch all of your errands so they are done at one time!
W wherever you go, carry stocking stuffers with you! Make them quick and easy! You can get cello bags at the Dollar Tree, Dollar Store, Big Lots...  Just tie up small items inside, add a little shred and a ribbon and sell for the retail cost plus enough for the bag and shred and ribbon! Carry a bunch with you!
N notify me of what is going on with you!