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Creating This Website
I've been asked many times how I created this website, whether I do it myself or hire it done, and what program is used. To answer your questions:

I do it all myself. I'm totally self-taught in computers, but have a knack for it and love them. Because my kids are gone from home now and I was a single person, I had many late Saturday nights that I could fiddle with things like this.
I made it first of all for myself.
As a hobby, because I enjoy it.
As a place to store all the great ideas I get sent by email.
And as a place to retrieve them by my unit members, so they can quickly get it rather than the old days when we sent things by snail mail. By having it available to download, it saves me time.
MK Intouch has a great resource in the Learn MK. I will always defer to that incredible site. However, I usually go get something from my site, because it is quicker to retrieve and easier for me to find (not so many windows to hunt through to get it! Even though I have over 600 pages on this website, MK's Intouch is zillions bigger and fancier than mine.) When I've found things I've needed on Learn MK, but it has taken me a while to find it, I save it and post it on my own site, so I can retrieve it without hunting for it again.
I'm quite sure that more consultants from outside my unit use the site more often than my own unit members. So evaluate whether it would be a good resource for your own team before spending time and money.
I recommend Serif's WebPlus 5 as an authoring program. It is simple and easy to use, as well as very affordable. (Buy it from Amazon to save money.)
My server is hosted by a great company for only $7.95 per month (and sometimes on sale!). Click here to get your own domain name and hosting service..
Have fun if you decide to make your own.