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Unit Production
By Pam Shaw

Who loves ya??? I do!!! Here is something for your DIRECTOR focus folder. (I re-vamped from Teresa Gregory's sent out recently).  I 'used' to project wh. orders first on the official company printout by going down each name...
looking at her last order
considering her activity
knowing her goal and patterns
penciling in what I thought she would order
Then go to the chart (attached). You now can 'add up' what you and your base will do. Next the work comes in. Do the math.  Based on your goal, how much production do you, your 'teams', and new recruits need to do to make up the wholesale difference (that is if your base comes through 100%!). Once this is done:
Set your personal selling/interviewing schedule by DESIGNING your month (90 day cycle in Design Book), your week (Weekly Plan sheet in Design Book) and Day (sticky pad- account for each half hour).
Communicate with potential Team Performers (those who want to go On Target, who are On Target and/or in DIQ). Establish each team growth and production goal and the game plan. Make sure each 'leader' is in motion and you know your next check in communication and accountability (her calling you).
Call each consultant you 'assigned' an order to during your initial projection phase and make sure your 'guess' jives with her goal and her activity.  It might sound like:
"Hey Susan! I am looking ahead to the end of your month, and I am committed to making it a successful one. Tell me, what would you feel great about accomplishing in your Mary Kay business this month?"  [If you have collected a 'goal sheet' from Meeting 1 of the month, you are ahead of the game, because you already know this answer, and so you would be making an observation instead of asking Question 1].
"What do you think you need to do first to make that happen?"
"So what is on your date book for this week?"
"Do you have people to call? Do you feel good about what you are going to say?"
"When would you be making these calls, today or tonight?" [confirm time and set up accountability].
"You have expressed [ or I was guessing] that you would like to place a 600 wh. order toward your star this month. How is your Mary Kay account looking?" [here you need to know what is on her shelf, how much she is invested in order to customize your advice with wisdom. If she is not taking 'profit' dollars yet, then 100% of her sales less her initial cc/loan pmt. will go into her order.  When you make her $ your business, she'll have more!]
If she has a team, "Let's talk about your team and project their monthly orders based on their activity and goals". Then mentor her as to how to confirm this (just as you are doing with her)
Work into the Recruiting piece of her business.
"Who and how many tapes are out that you are awaiting an interview or 'yes' answer from ?"
"Who are the prospects you are layering right now? Tell me more about that/them".
"How many new team members would you feel great about adding to your team this month?"
"How many guests/interviews do you think you'll need to schedule in to get that result"?
"How many are scheduled as of right now and for what/when?"
[add info by permission if you need to] "Could I make a suggestion?"
Work the conversation full circle and make sure you know WHEN you will hear from her or speak with her again as you work together on this goal!  Make sure she is aware of your systems of communication---voice tel, email, cell phone or office line so that you can connect 'on the go' and 'live' as needed. The accountability for me ALWAYS rests with the people I am mentoring to contact me.  That is one way I can gage 'ready or not'. I urge you to set it up this way and give her the responsibility of advancing her business and embracing your support. If you take more responsibility, then it is your fault when things fall through as well! Guide her to a successful month!
WEEK 1: Project and Strategize. Communicate with each person key to ordering
WEEK 2: Inspect what you knew to be in motion from week 1
WEEK 3: Inspect again, provide 'sos and plan b support' where needed. Communicate order deadlines and modes. Get re-commitment to making 'plan a' happen.
WEEK 3: Wrap it up. The communication you have provided all month does not put you in a compromised position to 'ask' for the order.
The success of your month will now depend on:
Your personal Time Management and Monthly DESIGN for your work hours.
The clarity and commitment to your goal.
Your communication and follow up skills.
Your ability to recruit quality women, get initial STAR orders, and guide them to a quick and successful beginning!
This is good leadership. This is how you mentor and invest in and move people. This is fair communication, and this is how you create growth!
If you NEED a Director focus folder (Shaw creative work c2001), you may order on line at or fax or email Jerry. Our new assistant Gloria Carrico is handling these. Fax: 270-843-7497 e mail:  10 folders/ $10 + shipping.
Coming soon, CONSULTANT FOCUS FOLDERS!!! I am hoping to get them 'sharable' before Christmas! We are sending one to our unit for a Happy New Year!  They will be the same price and also in packs of 10!
"I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future...' Jer. 29:11