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Director Excellence
by Pam Shaw
Are you a director that other directors enjoy working with? Why would you be? I want you to think about this today as a leader. Why would you be a director someone would enjoy being around? And, if you're not, I hope that you will sincerely look introspectively at some of the questions I'm going to ask you right now.
Are you 100% positive to be around? Does your face exude an excited, optimistic, hopeful outlook, whether you feel good or not, so other people feel good when they're around you?
Do you show up ON TIME? Whatever you've agreed to do with other directors, when you're doing an event with other directors, do you show up on time or are you always a day late, a dollar short, an excuse full? You run in the door, half-way there you even put your lipstick on, skirt not pressed, with a big excuse. OR, are you the one that comes 30-60 minutes early to make sure the door's unlocked, the air is correct, the microphone is working, before everyone else is supposed to get there? Which one are you?
Are you totally devoted to the events that you've agreed to do with other directors in your area? Or, are you half-way? For example, if you don't have guests, you don't show up. And, if it's not your turn you just come if you feel like it or not. Which one are you really?
Are you the director that contributes, or are you the one that drags on the coat-tails of everyone else? Whatever events are going on you just piggyback to those so you won't have to think of your own, or take responsibility on your own or put your signature on the hotel line. Which are you?
Are you the one who walks in and greets other people's guests even if you don't have any and encourages other people's consultants? Or, are you the one who always has guests and consultants there so that people look to you as the leader that you are?Which one are you?
When there are sweatshirts to be ordered for your retreat.....are you the one who waits to the last second? Do you order yours and then never send your check and then wait for someone to have to ask you for your check? When it's time to pay your money locally for quarterly awards or whatever, does someone have to cough it out of you or do you have things ready to go? Which one are you?
Are you the one with abundant goals that you're really totally sold on and committed to, such as taking your unit to minimally 100 in size and Cadillac status? And, are you working personally, leading by example and showing your unit how to hold classes, how to work full circle, how to bring their hostesses to success events? Are you the person who always has something great going on? A new song that you found that you want to share with everybody or a new poem or you had great fun with a trunk show, or you just did a business debut OR are you the person who's "just out there" again?
In order for us to be leaders we must be magnetic people. In order for us to be leaders we must be out front. And if we're not leading then what are we doing? I can tell you that wearing a directors suit and not choosing to be a leader is a very lonely and hypocritical place to be. Not only does it make you feel bad but it brings those around you down.
What could you do this week as a result of listening to this message that would allow you perhaps to make an apology to the sales directors in your area? Maybe you need to make an affirmation that you need to ask someone whose standards are much higher to hold you accountable as you work to improve in these simple areas.... of coming to success events with your car clean, coming to a success event or shared event on time/early, making sure that you can stay late to close the doors, lock the doors, tear things down, help the person with the most responsibility carry her things to the car. Which is it really ?
Are you the one who never has the agreements or are you the one who always passes out agreements to everyone else's people? I will tell you that the level of responsibility that you're willing to take charge of, is the level of promotion that you're going to get. Until you out-grow your current position which means your unit size, your team size, your level of production, your level of influence, you will not get a promotion until you out-grow your current position. This is a challenge to you to look at your own habits, and not deal in "well, I did that once" or "I occasionally do that" or "everybody's not perfect". Don't make excuses and don't look to minimize what it is that you are not doing with excellence.
Excellence is when you put everything you have into everything you do. It's when you look your best, you are at your best. You suppress negative thoughts, you suppress your frustration when you go to an event, because other people are what this business is all about. It's not about you. As a leader it's about the other person. When you walk in the door it's about the other person. When you show up on time that shows respect for the other person. When you come early and stay late.... the other person. Will you choose to change a habit that has not reflected excellence this week?