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Non-ordering Consultants' Letters
Here's a sample of the one-page letters or flyers I send out to my consultants who need to order. I use the same format, changing it with every bonus. I figure the consultants who haven't ordered in  the past six months don't receive an Applause, so they have no idea what products are new and what's going the flyer is a mini-Applause. I enclose an order form with their consultant number on the front, next to the intouch address, for everyone not receiving an Applause (the last three letters). All information about who to send letters to is found on the Monthly Unit Report. The last three are found under the former consultant section.

Just before I print the letters, I double check on the intouch website that they haven't ordered this month already.  I don't want to confuse them with a letter when they have already ordered.

N's--New Consultants (no order)
I1's (beginning of new order form)
Hi there,

I have noticed that you haven't placed your first order yet. What can I do to help? Most new consultants ask me to help them place their first order. I can help you decide what to order, how much to order, and help with the mechanics of actually placing your first order. I also don't want you to miss out on any freebies that come to a new consultant with her first order.

The beauty of Mary Kay is that you are self-employed and can make your own decisions. But you are also never alone. I have gone before you and know the ropes. Please give me a call at 785-826-1740 or 888-826-1742 (toll-free) if I can be of any assistance!

PS. My recruiter helped me place my first three orders!
According to my IBM printout, it's been 3 months since your last order. This note is just to let you know what's new.  Also, we have a contest recognizing consultants who order at least every quarter during our Seminar year. You'll be recognized in July as the pillars of our Unit--the strength that holds up our Dynasty!  You are appreciated!

A minimum $200 WS order will keep you an active part of our Unit and your recruiting commission checks coming.  Please call me if you need any booking or selling ideas.  Remember, I am only a phone call away!  785-826-1740 or 888-826-1742 (toll-free)

And, remember, if you have any recruits, you'll need to order before the end of this month to receive recruiting commissions. And if you have a web site, you'll want to order to maintain your position on the web locator.

Hi there,

According to my IBM printout, it's been at least three months since your last $200 WS order. This note is just to let you know what's new.

Since we are at the beginning of a new order form, now is the time to place your order to have the advantage of placing small orders for the life of the order form--3 months--and still get 50%!

If you place a $200 WS order any time from December 16th, you'll be able to place small orders as you need them, and still receive 50% discount, until March 15. Please call me if you have any questions!  Remember, I am only a phone call away!  785-826-1740 or 888-826-1742 (toll-free)

And, remember, if you have any recruits, you'll need to order before the end of this month to receive recruiting commissions. And if you have a web site, you'll want to order to maintain your position on the web locator.

1-4 Months to Termination

According to my IBM printout, you are scheduled to go off the company mailing list!  Yikes! That means you won't get an Applause magazine!

In order to maintain your active Consultant status, you'll need to place an order by the end of this month so you can continue to receive the Applause magazine, and also accept credit card orders from customers, and keep any team members that you may have! This is a BIG DEAL!

A minimum $200 WS order ($400 Retail) will keep you an active part of our Unit.  Call your customers and tell them you’re going to order and see how much you can put together. Please call me if you need any booking or selling ideas.
Hi there,

This was your first month without receiving an Applause magazine. I hope you missed it and are so eager to keep up on what's new from Mary Kay that you'll at least get a minimum order together so you get back on the company mailing list!

This flyer shares the promotions going on right now.  If you have any questions or need any help, just give me a quick call at 785-826-1740.  You are important to our team! Just remember that as soon as you place your wholesale order, you'll be back on the Applause mailing list for another six months.

A minimum $200 WS order ($400 retail) will keep you an active part of our Unit.

Hi there,

Since you aren't receiving an Applause magazine, I thought I'd send you this flyer showing you some of the new things. You can see a full display of things at my website at If it's more convenient for you, you can also place an order at my website which I will submit to the company for you.

It will take a $200 WS order (your cost) at 50% to get you reactivated. You would select $400 in products, yet pay only $200 plus tax and shipping. Just leave your credit card number on the comment section, or call me with the number and I'll get your order right in. You'll then begin receiving the Applause again for six more months.

You can also call me with your order, or place it yourself.
Next to Last Month
Last Month
New Agreement Needed
 According to my records, this is your next to the last month to remain a beauty consultant.  The deadline for you to get an order to the company is almost gone! In order to re-activate your status, you'll need to have your order in by November 31.  If your order is not in by the deadline, you will need to re-submit an agreement and purchase the “Welcome Back” kit.  

You are such an important part of our Unit!  What can I do to help?  A minimum $200 WS order will keep you active.  The current offer is presented here.  You can order $400 of anything and get it for 1/2 the price-50% off ($200 your cost!) Call me if you have questions!  785-826-1740     
Since you aren't receiving an Applause magazine, I thought I'd send you this flyer showing you some of the new things. You can see a full display of things at my website at If it's more convenient for you, you can also place an order at my website and I will submit it to the company for you.
According to my reports, this is your last month as a Mary Kay consultant.  If you don't have an order placed and in the branch by September 30, you'll be dropped from the consultant rolls.  If you let this happen, then to place a wholesale order in the future, you'd have to fill out a new agreement and order the "Welcome Back" kit.

I hope you'll let me help. A minimum $200 WS order will reinstate you to active status.  You can even place it on my website at and I'll submit it to the company for you.  If I can help or answer questions, please call me at 785-826-1740.
Since you aren't receiving an Applause magazine, I thought I'd send you this flyer showing you some of the new things. You can see a full display of things at my website at  Remember, it takes $400 Retail, ($200 your cost) to get active again.  Call me.  I’ll help you with your order.
Hi there,

I sure hope you don't intend to quit Mary Kay forever!  I found out that the company will allow you to mail in an order of at least $180 WS ($200 WS is better since it gives you 50%), as long as it is received before the end of this month.

See, Mary Kay never says never!!  Ha!  But, this truly is the last month they will allow you to place a wholesale order without going through the process of filling out a new agreement and purchasing a “Welcome Back” kit.  (It's not the full showcase, but parts of it to update you.)  

Please call me if you need some help.  I'd love to have you back and I'd love to help you!  You are important to our unit and to the company!
I3's (beginning of new order form)
T's (beginning of new order form)
Former (beginning of new order form)

According to my IBM printout, you are scheduled to go off the company mailing list!  Yikes! That means you won't get an Applause magazine!

In order to maintain your active Consultant status, you'll need to place an order by the end of this month so you can continue to receive the Applause magazine, accept credit card orders from customers, and keep any team members that you may have! This is a BIG DEAL!

A minimum $200 WS order ($400 retail) will keep you an active part of our Unit.  September 16th is the beginning of a brand new quarter, so your $200 order will give you the earned discount privilege, which allows you to place additional small orders from September 16th until December 15.
Hi there,

This was your first month without receiving an Applause magazine. I hope you missed it and are so eager to keep up on what's new from Mary Kay that you'll at least get a minimum order together so you get back on the company mailing list!

This flyer shares the promotions going on right now.  If you have any questions or need any help, just give me a quick call at 785-826-1740.  You are important to our team! Just remember that as soon as you place your wholesale order, you'll be back on the Applause mailing list for another six months.

A minimum $200 WS order ($400 retail) will keep you an active part of our Unit.  September 16th is the beginning of a brand new quarter, so your $200 order will give you the earned discount privilege, which allows you to place additional small orders until December 15.
Hi there,

Since you aren't receiving an Applause magazine, I thought I'd send you this flyer showing you some of the new things. You can see a full display of things at my website at If it's more convenient for you, you can also place an order at my website, which I can then submit to the company for you.

It will take a $200 WS order (your cost) at 50% to get you reactivated. You would select $400 in products, yet pay only $200 plus tax and shipping. Just leave your credit card number on the comment section, or call me with the number and I'll get your order right in. You'll then begin receiving the Applause again for six more months.

September 16th is the beginning of a brand new quarter, so your $200 order will give you the earned discount privilege, which allows you to place additional small orders until December 15. Questions? Call me at 785-826-1740.