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No Fear, No Recession!

We Refuse To Live in Fear or to Participate in a Recession
We Have HOPE!!

Stop saying, "I'm going to hold 3 classes every week."   Instead say, "I'm going to make 3 booking phone calls every day this week!"

Quit worrying over how many recruits you want, instead, focus on how many guests you will invite to your next success meeting or how many Choices CDs you can put in the hands of your customers.

Stop intending to make it to success meetings IF it works out. Instead, mark off the date on your calendar and arrange for a sitter if necessary.  Do you consistently miss working every Monday on your other job because it isn't convenient for you?   Ask your boss on your other job if you can come in early on Monday or work through your lunch hour to be off in time to attend.

Stop hoping you'll win the lottery so you can invest in adequate inventory! Instead, take CHARGE of your Mary Kay business by taking out a small personal loan. Ask a family member to invest in you, or re-invest all your profits from sales. You can't build an empire if you're not willing to make an initial investment!

Stop saying, "When I get all my bills paid off I won't have to spend my Mary Kay money."   Start running a successful and profitable business NOW, even if you only sold $10 this week, manage that $10 as you would $1000!   Ask yourself. "How did I pay my bills BEFORE I had Mary Kay money?" If you don't manage your money wisely NOW, you won't ever build a successful career!

Plan some business activity every day.   Quit hoping for more time to do Mary Kay and PLAN time to make it work!   Some of the most successful Directors and National Sales Directors are very busy women who simply learned how to manage their time effectively.   Even if you just have time to make a couple of phone calls be sure you make them!

Write down all the reasons why you CAN reach your goals instead of focusing on all the reasons you can't!

Keep your goals in front of you everyday!   Write them down.   Give yourself a deadline for achievement.   Say them out loud to yourself daily.   Share them with your family or other supportive loved ones who will hold you accountable.

Feed your mind with positive information on a daily basis.   A negative attitude will drag you down before you even recognize you are being negative.   It is not human nature to think in a positive mode, so you must program positive thoughts into your mind on purpose!    Read positive uplifting books andlisten to Mary Kay tapes!

Work!  Quit keeping score and just work at your business!   There will be no results until there has first been effort!   Stop waiting for your next recruit to come to you.  Go out and find her!   Quit hoping your customers will call you with reorders and call them!   Quit wishing you had classes on your books for next week, go out and book some!   Just do what you've been trained to do and you will scare yourself to death with all the success that comes your way!

Join in making the rest of this Seminar year a year of prosperity and success!!