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Customer Service Test
Thanks Rita Knox

What do your customers think of you and your service. Take this test to see how well you do.
Pretend YOU are your Customer. How well do you score?
Answer TRUE or FALSE
____ 1. My Consultant always delivers my order in a timely manner.
____ 2. My Consultant offers to introduce me to new products regularly.
____ 3. My Consultant never calls me but responds when I call her.
____ 4. My Consultant always has to search for the products I order.
____ 5. My Consultant sends me a birthday card every year.
____ 6. I never receive anything from my Consultant in the mail.
____ 7. My Consultant never invites me to model her product.
____ 8. My Consultant regularly updates my personalized skin care program.
____ 9. My Consultant sent me a Thank You note for my business.
____ 10. I get a regular newsletter or Season's Best from my Consultant.
____ 11. My Consultant always looks professional and up-to-date when I do business with her.
____ 12. My Consultant has invited me to several special events.
____ 13. I know how my Consultant makes money.
____ 14. My Consultant has offered me the incredible Mary Kay Opportunity.
____ 15. My Consultant called me 2 days, 2 weeks and 2 months after my appt.
____ 16. My Consultant has regularly offered to show me ways I can earn product.
____ 17. I feel confident referring my friends to my Consultant, but she never asks.
____ 18. My Consultant is enthusiastic and I feel good when I talk to her.
____ 19. My Consultant has offered to let me field test and give my opinion of every product line
              in the Beauty Book.
____ 20. My Consultant has offered to help me learn how to best use the color right for me.
____ 21. I never heard from my Consultant again after I purchased the Basic Skin Care.
____ 22. My Consultant drives a free car.
____ 23. My Consultant has high standards and her word is bond.
____ 24. My Consultant sold me product I don't need.
____ 25. I don't know where my Consultant is.
____ 26. My Consultant booked my review facial after I purchased the Basic Skin Care.
____ 27. My Consultant teaches me something new each time I have an appointment with her.
____ 28. My Consultant makes me feel special.
____ 29. I am a preferred client, and treated as one.
____ 30. My Consultant helps me save time and money!