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Positive Affirmations
My personal MK career changed when I began using and saying and listening to Positive Affirmations. Take this list and record it onto a tape and listen to it several times per day. Get a pillow sleeper and listen to it as you drift off to sleep. Listen while you're putting on your makeup in the morning, while you're doing the dishes, while driving to work! Watch how it changes your thinking. When your thinking is changed, your business will change! Make ready for CHANGE!  I had a tape in my car, in my bathroom, in my kitchen, and in my walkman. The more you listen to it, the faster you'll see the changes.

Once you are serious about listening to affirmations and have listened regularly to these, contact me, and I'll send you an advanced list of affirmations that you can personalize for yourself that will take about an hour on a tape.

To learn more about the way the subconsious mind works, read books by Shad Helmstetter, such as "Self Talk Solution."