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Booking With Flowers
Thanks to Sandy Zavoda for putting together.
l. Buy flowers...preferably roses or carnations..multi-colored (approx. .40 -.60 ea.)  

2. Decide where you want to go (hee hee) but best to go to stores,  restaurants, offices, banks etc. where you live or want to develop customers.  

3. Have one drawing ticket for each flower you carry (Use the theatre tickets  with either a black back-side or name, address, phone on back)  

4. Carry the flowers in a huge bouquet in your arms (draws attention)  

5. BANK SCENARIO: Hi, I'm Sandra Zavoda with Mary Kay Cosmetics and we are honoring the women in banking in this area and I'm here to present a rose to all of you for all that you do . We recently lost our beloved founder Mary Kay who always championed the working women and we are doing this in her  honor. (BIG SMILE) What color would you like?  

6. They take the flower...they get all sweet and full of thanks...they are  smiling...and you say, as if it just occurred to you "Oh we are giving away a  lot of prizes in a few days too...if you would like a chance to win just take  one of these tickets and put your name and number on the back and give it  back to me. (At some offices I left an envelope w/my name and said ..."Just  put them in this envelope & I'll pick them up tomorrow" Next day they had  the envelope & all of the tickets waiting for me.)  

7. Do not use l/2 of business card because some of them start to say I don't  wear make-up, Oh, I once had a facial...etc. With the ticket they just put  their name.  

8. Draw one grand prize winner...out of 26 I drew 5..2nd, 3rd place..4- 4th  places and 8 consolation prizes.  

9, Called and said Susie "this is Sandra w/Mary Kay, I gave you the rose  the other day (they immediately get all nice and say thanks etc. Then I ask  if the rose made it home & they say all nice things again...then I say  "Susie, I am sorry to tell you didn't win lst prize..(they moan) then I say  well hang on to your hat you were one of our _____ prize winners. Let me  tell you what you is a wonderful Gal On The Go purse, with a full  size Lipstick and a beautiful purse size perfume...valued at $30-$35 AND a  Pamper Package" (what that is, is a l5 min. pampering session, New Year New  You Spring Make-over for the Face...or a Silky sooft satiny smooth Hand  treatment..or a Love Your lips get rid of dry chapped lips treatment and if  you love playing with lipstick you will love this) lets pick a time &  day convenient to you (I don't wait for their choice because when I am with  them I do it all)......Then I say, "Oh Carol & Mary were winners too, why  don't we do it together and that way we can include Dolly & Mary. They didn't  win a prize but I can still treat them to the pamper session!"

THE AWESOME PART IS THEY ARE SO RECEPTIVE....THEY EVEN CALL YOU BACK WHEN YOU LEAVE A  MESSAGE.....& I AM HERE TO TELL YOU ...I feel so blessed. Everywhere I go  that I gave roses they are still smiling & waving...I did a POWER START in l2  
days.... but a 2nd line had just gone crazy with this she has recruited 5  personals and her made business connections, been invited to do programs,  etc. etc. etc.....soooo I wish for you the FUN we have had (Oh I did get  one new recruit...& intend to go out and do this over & over) 2 of my gals  got 70 names one day, One Director got 50 in one afternoon in her tiny  town.....You probably have eye strain by now but how you follow-up is so  important, I wanted to get it to you now. Keep in touch I would love to  hear how it works for you.

Mary Kay HUGS