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Part-Time Recruiting Opportunities
Adapted from an article by NSD PAM TULL

Mother/Daughter Program - Mothers and daughters team up to build the business!  Mom has her own contacts through friends and coworkers, and daughter has her own friends as well ... not to mention that all her friends have moms too!  What better way to bond, have fun, and make some extra cash together?

Office Program - You can work your Mary Kay business while working your normal job.  This is great for women who work with other women (offices, schools, hospitals, restaurants, nursing homes, etc.).  Women love the convenience of shopping on the job or on lunch break instead of being away from the family to shop.  It's simply show, tell, and smell!

Web-site Program - You can work your business on your computer!  Mary Kay offers every Consultant an opportunity to have her own Web site.  Women love the convenience of shopping on line ... especially when wearing their pajamas!  Mary Kay is ranked #4 world-wide in Internet sales!

Family Program - You can supply yourself, your family, and your friends!  Why not shop with Mary Kay for half price for the rest of your life.  You definitely want to look at this program if you are currently using our products and plan to continue to use them!

Bridal Program - You can build a business working with Brides and the Bridal Parties.  Most bridal parties get their hair done professionally for the wedding ... why not supply their cosmetics.  You will make the Bride's day (and their pictures) even more special!

Gift Program - Help prepare yourself, your family, and your friends for the many gift-giving occasions that arise during the year.  They will love your convenience and service during:  Valentine's Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day. Graduations, Birthdays, the Holidays, etc.

Holiday Program - Work your Mary Kay business for the Holidays ... 1-4 months.  What a GREAT TIME!  Everyone is looking for the perfect gifts for their family and friends ... why not have them shop with YOU?!  Every Mary Kay product can be appreciated as a gift.  Plus ... get your own gifts at half price this year ... this can be your First Debt-Free Holiday!

Who do you know that would enjoy one of these Part-Time Programs?
Which Part-Time Program could possibly fit into your own life?