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Pam Shaw's Tips For Success
Do not pre-judge a response! ASK!
Do not "re-invent the wheel". There are tried and true methods that work. Take advantage of a successful heritage.
Use only the products you are representing... head to toe! Always have a clear-cut goal.
When asked how you or your business is doing, the answer is always, "GREAT!" People really don't want to hear anything else.
Never attend a meeting without guests, and never miss a success event!
Weekly, turn in a Weekly Accountability Sheet to your director. Play ball with her! Communicate!
Dress professionally and look the part! Would you go to a dentist who has no teeth?
Always carry a business card and samples to give away as you network for your business.
Treat your business like a business... your money, time, and people with respect, and it will pay you like a business. "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."