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Women of Honor~Women of Influence
I'm so excited to introduce an exciting new program for Donna's Dynasty!  Let me give you just a little background.  Lesa Patterson, Senior Director in our future Dynasty Area, from Wamego, KS, seemed to be doing all her classes and facials with K-State college women.  She wanted to expand her business and give facials to women who were older and working--professional women.  So, she asked her college-age customers who they knew who had mentored them and had been an influence to them.  She began getting referrals for outstanding teachers, mothers, Girl Scout leaders--the professional women that she wanted to do business with.  She called these women and told them that so and so had referred them to her because she had “meant so much to her life in such and such a way.”  The women were honored and never refused the makeover that Lesa offered her as part of her Woman of Honor package.  That's when Lesa contacted me, asking me to help her develop the program.  And here is what I came up with! I'm so excited to present this to you. I hope you can catch my vision for this program!

Brief Overview
One woman nominates another woman as a Woman of Influence~Woman of Honor by filling out a nomination form.  This can be done at a class, facial, or when making a reorder delivery.
For nominating three women, you can offer her a small gift as a thank you for nominating someone.  (Use leftover PCP gifts, classic products, etc.)
Call the nominated woman and explain what is in store for her and schedule the appointment for her makeover so that you can taker her picture and present her with a complimentary gift.
Take a camera (even a disposable camera) and take her picture for the certificate.
Present her with her Woman of Honor certificate when you get the picture developed and attached to it, OR
Invite her to a Women of Influence~Women of Honor Awards Reception where she will be presented with her award certificate in front of her friends and family.
Schedule Award Receptions to honor the Women of Influence.  I will personally attend these Receptions across the country for any consultant who has at least 20 Women of Honor that she has done.   Call me to answer your questions about this.

Can you feel the excitement?  Can you imagine how special any woman would feel when you call her and read what someone has said about her?  Imagine having the woman who nominated her read the words on the award to her at the Women of Honor Reception!  Can you imagine the hugs and the tears as the nominated woman realizes, maybe for the first time, how she influenced the person who nominated her!  Can you see how this will enrich women's lives?  

Gift For the Woman of Influence
I think a nice little gift basket can be put together that will be inexpensive, yet really inviting.
I would tie it up with cello and ribbon and make it look fabulous!
You can use classic product or left-over PCP gifts to make these gifts.
Add some samples, and a gift certificate.
How to Get The Referral Script (by Lesa Patterson.  She has had great success with these scripts, so I wouldn't change them!)
Bring a Basket with Limited Items to your facial or skincare class. (i.e. Christmas, Spring, etc.)  You are going to give these away!
You will have her write her names down on the back of the profile card.  Never leave a class or facial without her writing down names.
This is what I do at the facial or class.  Normally, I ask for names at the end of the facial (or class) because at this point I have bonded with her and she knows that I am a trustworthy and sincere person. are asking for QUALITY!!
I might also add, if she's a complaining, negative person....DO NOT ASK!    Birds of a Feather Flock Together and personally, I do NOT want to meet her friends because most likely they are JUST LIKE HER!
Here's what I say at a facial:
 "Oh Girls, I almost forgot!  I want to tell you about something we are doing in our unit that I know you are going to love!   Okay, we have a special award to honor women who are exceptional in their field....someone who deserves credit for a job well done!   You know, Mary Kay is all about, "enriching another woman's life".  That is our entire reason why we do what we do!     And today, I'm going to give you a chance to honor the women in your life that you would just 'so love to honor' because of a job well done!
Maybe she's someone who is just one of the hardest working women you know and you know she deserves this kind of recognition.....or maybe she's been a mentor to you....maybe she's been one of the most influential women in your life in such a positive way....or perhaps she's just excellent in her field.....and you know she deserves the title to be called a "Woman of Honor".....
Well, let me tell you what we are going to do for her....
We are going to call her and schedule a time do a makeover with her.    We'll take her picture after the makeover and it will be placed on a certificate, like this (show the sample certificate).  She will be invited to a special Awards Reception, along with her family, and you will be able to present the award to her in person. This is so wonderful because it honors her for all she has personally done in your life.

So, what I'm going to do right now is have you fill out this nomination form.  Now, I know most likely, you know more than one woman who would deserve this honor, so if you nominate three, you can choose a gift from this basket, absolutely free.    So, while I clean up our mess, I'll let you fill out the nomination forms.
And also, could you please write down a little compliment about her and why you love her so much!   I'm going to share this with her on the phone and this is going to be put on her Award Certificate and read at the reception.  I promise you.....she is going to love this phone call!  She is not under any obligation....absolutely none at all!   But I'm telling you, this is the highlight of my day because I just absolutely love making these calls!  It's probably going to be one of the most positive phone calls she's ever received!  Some women even get a little teary-eyed! I'm not kidding!  It means that much to her!
Okay, I'll be quiet so you can write down the names!

Calling The Woman of Honor (By Lesa Patterson)
Hi, is this ________________?

Hi___________this is ______________ and you don't know me so you are probably wondering how on earth I got your name and number. Well, the reason I am calling is I met one of your friends the other night.  Do you know______________? How are you all acquainted?

Well,_____________thinks the world of you and I'll tell you why she gave me your name and number, so this call won't sound too terribly crazy, OK?

I met_____________ the other night at a facial because I'm with MK and I was telling her about our new program called "Woman of Honor, Woman of Influence." This is a program to honor women who have been a positive influence in someone else's life. And you know what,_____________says YOU have certainly been a huge influence in her life and this is what she said about you. And I am quoting her....She said that you are _____________________in her life and she would like to honor you.

And what this entails is that I would do a full pampering make-over with you which takes approximately an hour and is absolutely free. You'll receive a Woman of Honor Pampering Gift that I'll bring to your pampering session.  Then I would take your picture, which will be placed on the Woman of Honor Certificate.  Since you have been honored as one of these "cream of the crop" women, you will be invited, along with any friends or family you wish to include, to our Women of Honor~Women of Influence Awards Reception, where we'll be honoring all the nominated women from our area. This is just a way for us to honor women like you through MK.

Now, I don't know what your schedule is, if you work full-time or what, but I'd love to schedule you for later this week or next.  Which would be better for you?

The Awards Reception
When we have 20 or more women who have participated in our program, we'll schedule an Awards Reception where we will invite these women and encourage her to invite friends and family.
The woman who nominated her will be invited to come and help in the presentation.
We'll award the Woman of Honor with a certificate.  These certificates can be printed on card stock and hand-written or, with MS Publisher software, can be completed on the computer.  
Light refreshments can be provided by the Mary Kay unit.
Print off a copy of the completed Award Certificate, preferably on white card stock, so that you can show it as an example at your classes and facials.
I will come to any area in the US to do an Award Reception for any consultant who does 20 or more Women of Honor makeovers.

Advantages To You
Great publicity for your personal Mary Kay business.
You're helping to “Enrich Women's Lives.”
You have the opportunity to give a facial to sharp, professional women.  Our job is to give “free” facials.  Our product is so outstanding, that it will practically sell itself.  Your job is to get it on a face! And then to close the facial with the Create-A-Roll-up sheet so she knows how much the product is and realizes she may purchase it if she chooses.
By continuing to offer the program at each facial, including at the facial of the Woman of Honor, you will meet more and more Women of Honor, and will always have facials to give!

Woman of Honor Certificate
The Woman of Honor certificate is a tangible thing that any woman would be honored to have. Even if she only has it out on the kitchen counter for a couple of days and shows it to her grandkids and then sticks it in a drawer, she will still be excited and humbled that someone thought enough of her to nominate her. Maybe her family will insist that it be framed and placed on the wall.
White card stock can be purchased at any office supply store, and even at Sam's and Walmart. It will easily go through your printer.
The picture you take of her should be cut to 3 x 4 inches. I would then apply double stick permanent tape to all four edges of the back of the picture and then center it on the pink square. For safety sake, take more than one picture of her, just to make sure you get a good one, with eyes open, etc.