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How I Became A Director So Fast
By Heather Piper
Wow! How did I do directorship so fast. Hmmmm - I think these are
some of the reasons why .
#1 - Well, I did have the experience to draw from of what NOT
to do. That is big, because I knew what to focus on (people) and
the activity (5 cards a day, 2 bookings a day, 5 face to face
interviews a week, and $600+ weekly sales) required. I also knew
to 'swim in my own lane'. I focused only on what I could do, so I
could 'swim in a straight line'. I see so many consultants focus on
what everyone else is or is not doing and it can only slow them down.
#2 - I did everything Gloria told me to do. I let her know
my activity. I was completely accountable to her. She did
inventory with my people. In my last month I did inventory (to
prepare for becoming a director), but before then I was just 'getting
the people'. Gloria stressed to me to find the people and production
would come. It did. This is KEY. I focused on production before
and failed. I focused on people and succeeded! I finished with 26
personals and we blew car and unit production up! (some were in my
customer base and many were new customers)!
#3 - I had the blessing of a large customer base to draw
from. When I was so sick with Megan and then when Megan was in and
out of the hospital for the first six months of her life - I couldn't
even think about Mary Kay. Thank goodness my customers were so
understanding and loyal! They called me for reorders and even
offered to pick them up. My focus was having a healthy baby. When
I restarted my MK career, I knew I needed momentum and lots of it.
So I talked to as many people and held as many classes/facials as I
could. My goal was to do car in one month and directorship in the
next! Well, that did not happen. I was OK with missing that goal
but I was not OK giving up on it. I knew when I didn't make it I
would pick myself up, dust myself off, and try to finish the next
month! So, I did a power start in my first month of DIQ, a 20/20 in
my second, and another 20/20 in my 3rd (and final) month of DIQ.
#4 - I tracked it and knew exactly where we were at any given
moment - I didn't rely on Gloria to let me know where we were (Gloria
had 11 other DIQ's at the time!). I had lists of potential hostesses
and recruits with me at all times. If I had a free moment in the
car line at Maddie's school or waiting for Mason to get off the bus -
I was on my cell phone.
#5 - I was CLEAR on why I wanted to be a director. I knew
specifically what I would do with the money I earned. Yes, I wanted
to be in 'the suit' but it was so much more than that - I wanted to
make a difference in women's lives! I know we hear it all the time
but I had pictures everywhere of the difference the income would make
for my family. I had a laminated picture of the suit in the shower
(ESSD Caterina Harris told me to do that - Thank you Caterina)!
#6 - My family and friends were totally supportive of my
Goal. So Darrel took on more at home, ran my errands, warm chatted
sharp women who were interested in the product/career, delivered
orders, and took vacation time when we were shutting it down. My
Mom and Darrel's Mom helped with the kids. I had LOTS of baby-
sitters on call. I was able to give 100% for a short amount of time
so I could get the job done.
#7 - My unit knew about and was excited to work toward the
goal of becoming a unit. They knew what it meant for them, what it
meant for me, and what it meant for Gloria!
I hope that helps some ...
You have everything it takes to be a director ! Challenge yourself
to be a director. YOU CAN DO IT!
Heather Piper
Mary Kay Independent Sales Director