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Booking In December
By Denise Kucharski

This morning on our Directors Only Conference Call, I shared my booking
script for December ...... just how to overcome the "I'm busy, let's wait
til after Christmas" objection.  Michelle Clough suggested I send it out to
everyone, so here goes:
Scenario:  You warm chattered someone yesterday while doing your Christmas
shopping.  Today you call her and say:
Hi, Judy, this is Denise Kucharski with Mary Kay, how are you?  Great, well
I know you are very busy; can you talk for just a quick minute?  Wonderful.
I enjoyed so much getting to meet you yesterday, and I'm still thinking
about what great eyes (or some other feature, or some compliment about her
personality) you have and how I'd love to treat you to a holiday makeover
(or have you as a Christmas model in my portfolio, etc.)  I know your first
thought will be that you're so busy and could we wait until after Christmas,
right? . but year after year I remind people of how all their relatives have
cameras ... do your relatives have cameras? ... I thought so!  So it turns
out that December is my most popular month for makeovers, because people
want to look their best NOW, not after Christmas!  I will tell you though, I
m busy too, so in December I do quick makeovers ... 30 minute ones instead
of the hour long ones.  And you get to pick one feature, either your eyes,
your cheeks, or your lips, to focus on.  We'll do all 3, but you get to pick
one to spend extra time on ....... so which would you choose for extra
pizzazz ... eyes, cheeks, or lips!  (If she selects one, that pretty much
means you have the booking.)  Great!  Let's find a 30 minute time that works
for both of us ... is it better for you during the day or in the evening?
(set the time through series of 2 choice questions)  Now, Judy, who's your
best friend that you love to go shopping with?  If you want to invite her to
have a makeover with you, you can!  In fact, I can let you bring 2 friends
with you, and if you do you'll receive ________________ (could be any 1 item
half price, could be travel size Satin Hands, could be a product you have
received as free bonus products) as a thank you gift!
Variation:  you are doing a portfolio and you say, "Judy when I met you
yesterday, I knew you'd be a wonderful model for the Christmas section of my
makeover portfolio!  I know your first thought might be that you're so busy,
but I am too, so in December I do quick makeovers ... 30 minute ones instead
of the hour long ones.  And every year, the December section of my portfolio
is my favorite, because of all the bright holiday clothing!  Do you wear any
red clothing this time of year, or what is your favorite Christmas outfit?
Oh, that sounds so pretty ... would you be willing to wear that and be
included in my 2003 portfolio?"
 With existing customers:  "Judy, I just realized that it has been quite a
while since we actually sat down together and did a new up-to-the- minute
makeover for you, and makeup trends do change like everything else does!
Tell me something ... will you be seeing any family or friends during the
Christmas holiday?  OK, do any of them own cameras?  Well, here's what I'm
thinking ... I'd love to treat you to a new makeover and a few minutes of
pampering during this hectic time of year.  And I know your first thought
might be that you're so busy and could we wait until after Christmas ... but
then your second thought might be, 'Wait a minute, I want to look my best
for all those cameras NOW, not later!'  I will tell you though, I'm busy too
. (continue with wording in top example above)   
You have overcome her objection before she can even voice it, and you are
using the "camera scenario" as a great reason for having the facial.  Can
you see yourself developing NEW business in December??  It's a great month
for gift sales, but it's also an opportunity to build new business!!
Stinkin' thinkin' might make you think that December is a difficult month to
convince people to have facials ..... personally, I choose to think it's the
BEST month!  Your attitude is YOUR CHOICE!
Booking happy,