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My Vision
My Vision

I looked into my crystal ball
And much to my surprise,
Were all my dreams and visions
Laid there before my eyes.

My datebook had no space to book,
The classes full to six.
The sales that had eluded me
Were there because I'd risked.

The new recruits, with faces bright
Seemed a never ending group,
With wholesale orders in their hands
And prospect lists to boot.

The star consultants for each quarter
Seemed not to care a bit,
That Mary Kay would have to now
Put on some extra shifts.

My unit club climbed higher
Each month throughout the year,
As my consultant's turned their dreams,
Into belief not fear.

My car became my chariot,
As pride within me grew,
How could I have this vision
Unless it could come true?

And as I peered still deeper
Into that globe sublime,
I caught an instant vision of
The ladder I had climbed.

The effort I'd expended for
Each goal I'd stretched to meet,
Brought the mountaintop I'd sought
Right there beneath my feet.

The joy I felt was more than real,
I'd never thought it through,
Because I'd shared my life with them,
This made their dreams come true.

The vision and the dreams I'd dreamed,
Had changed my life you see,
No longer were they meaningful
When focused in on me.

For only when our visions and
Our dreams are passed along,
Will God enfold the giver and
Enhance your life with song.

….. author - Doris Gessner
Ind. Mary Kay Senior Sales Director