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'Twas The Week Before Christmas
' Twas the Week Before Christmas -
Mary Kay Style

'Twas the week before Christmas & all through the nation,
Not a pink jar was stirring, not even foundation.
The cases were hung on the doorknob with care,
In hopes that no Director would be seeing them there.
The profiles were nestled all snug in the drawer,
Though customers might call me to open my store.
And I, without makeup and the neighbor in back,
Had just settled down for some coffee & snack.

When out in the office there arose such a clatter,
Sprang out of my chair to see what was the matter!
Over to the phone I flew like a flash,
Picked up the receiver and tripped over the trash.
The light of the lamp on my inventory below,
Gave it the luster of diamonds and a kind of glow!
When what to my longing ears should I hear,
But my Director telling me, "This is YOUR year."
"To dream a GREAT dream! Be lively and quick,
I know you can do it, lickety split..."
"More rapid than ever you'll go to the top,"
She whistled and shouted, "I know you won't stop!"
Now cleanser, now Lip Gloss, now Day Radiance & Freshener
On Blusher, on Lipstick, on Eye Cream & Conditioner!
To the women of the world, for the skin of them all,
Now call them, call them, call them all!

As dry do leaves wrinkle before the cold winter,
So will my customers, if I don't reconsider.
So up to the phone my fingers they flew,
With a handful of pink slips and calculator too.
And then in a twinkle, I heard on the phone,
Mrs. Smith, my last hostess, with her daughter now home.
As I listened with glee and was turning around,
She placed a large order & her VISA card found.

I was dressed all in glitter from my head to my foot,
Imagining Seminar stage and all of my loot!
A pink limousine would be waiting for me,
On Queen's Court of Sales I surely will be.
My eyes will be twinkling, my dimples quite merry,
My cheeks like roses with a blusher called Teaberry.
My proud little mouth will draw up in a grin
To know that I've worked & tonight I will win!
The keys to the Grand AM I'll clench in my teeth,
And the diamonds from Queen's Court, I'll wear like a wreath.
My Unit will be there, applauding like mad.
Such excitement and praise, they'll all wish they had.
President Tom Whatley on stage, a right jolly elf,
And I'll laugh when I see him, in spite of myself.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Will reassure me to know, I have nothing to dread.

So I spoke not a word to my neighbor from out back,
And give up the coffee and the sugary snack.
And laying a finger again in the dial,
I called Mrs. Jones, and said with a smile,
I almost forgot you, it's Christmas, you know,
We have beautiful gifts and wrapping to go."
And I heard her exclaim as I hung up the phone,
"Thank God for my Consultant, she's the best I have known!"

--Author unknown